Chapter 38 _ Covering secrets.

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Chapter 38 _ Covering secrets.

{Chapter 485 – Peeling layer after layer (2)


“Why are you just blankly standing there?”

Cale turned away from the door and faced forward after hearing Alberu’s voice.

“Are you not coming?”

Cale shrugged his shoulders and started to walk after hearing Alberu’s jovial voice.

Tap. Tap.

The two of them were the only ones in here, so Cale’s steps echoed loudly.}


Alberu blinked his eyes dizzily at the scene in front of him.

Then he turned to Lee Soo Hyuk next to him. And back to the screen.

This action was repeated twice more before Alberu started to turn pale.

" this the gift?"

Gradually, from pale, Alberu returned to his normal color, but with a not good expression.

Once again, as before his inheritance was announced, Alberu turned to his doppelganger.

"I think this is a better gift for you, my doppelganger. I've been through this before and I've found myself. I don't need another validation after what I received that day"

"Excuse me?"

Alberu then nodded and smiled.

"I hope you watch this next clip with an open mind. And think on the bright side: at least you won't see something like another golden shower…", Alberu suddenly felt goosebumps and turned to Cale. "...although I don't think something like that would happen again..."

Alberu put that other train of thought aside and began to pay attention to another thought.

'And don't feel as ashamed as I will if my thoughts are shown', but that part Alberu didn't say aloud.

"...should I be concerned? Our identity has already been revealed, is there anything that could make me even more worried?"

Alberu smiled before turning to Cale and ignoring his double.

"And you, don't laugh when you see my thoughts"

Cale shrugged.

'Why would I laugh?'

But Alberu also decided to ignore Cale for the moment.

{“Did you get rid of everybody else on purpose?”

“Yes. They all have the day off today.”

“Is that okay?”

Cale stood in front of Alberu and Alberu took a document out of his pocket and waved it around.

“Do you see his majesty’s crest?”

Cale chuckled after looking at the document with the king’s crest.

“It’s more of a do not approach warning than a day off.”

“Yes. Even the guards are 10 meters away from the building.”

Cale quietly listened before asking a question.

“I guess it is a big secret?”

“…I’m not sure.”

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