Chapter 17 _ An unexpected act.

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How are you?

One more chapter for you! I hope you like and appreciate it.
Ah, if some parts are similar to the previous chapters, I'm sorry. It's just that I forget about what I wrote sometimes, so I need to review the other chapters so I don't get repetitive, but I always end up forgetting again.

Chapter 17 _ An unexpected act.

"Dongsaeng… are you really not going to call me hyung?"

Cale sensed that he was in danger, but he still responded the way he wanted him to.


"Hooo so I need to start writing some good fitness training for you"


"If you don't want to be my dongsaeng, what I have left is the Team Leader title and that title implies that I have to take care of my team's training"

Soo Hyuk's warm and wide smile was giving Cale the creeps.


"Hmm? I didn't hear you very well, Cale. Can you say that again?"

"Don't push the envelope, Team Leader"

Lee Soo Hyuk's affectionate laugh was a nice addition to the confusion that was in Cale's head.

It seems that even he gets tired after listening to so many conversations in his mind.

{Chapter 501 – Does it work? (two)

– You shouldn’t have thoughts like destroying the entire maze’s ceiling!

The Super Rock raised his voice in shock.

Cale listened quietly as his gaze deepened while quietly focusing on the high ceiling.

The Super Rock sensed danger while looking at this action.

'This punk is about to cause trouble again!'

– I have no idea how long you will faint for if you destroy something that large! You got that?}

"So your ancient powers warned you about possible fainting spells?"



Cale was in serious trouble.

How long will he get through this?!

"It's not like that"

"No? But that's what I see on the screen now"

"Eruhaben-nim, only in very dangerous situations do they talk about possible fainting"

"The same way it was in the temple…"

"Yes! Like in the temple and now. These are situations where I can pass out for a long, long time, so Super Rock warns, but it's not always"

"...that's what we'll see"

Cale was feeling that the smile everyone was giving him now was scary. Very scary.

It felt like a silent promise they were making in case he was lying.

And the little paws hitting his thigh looked very angry too.

{The Super Rock's voice quickened.

– Cale. We suspect that the White Star made a contract with the Demonic race or has some type of connection! We can't have you faint for a week, no, at least a month in such a situation!

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