Late Nights

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Seungcheol was doing his final check on the practice room at around midnight, making sure all the kids had gone home for a rest.

As he pushed open the door to their practice room, Seungcheol was glad he made these checkups.

Minghao was on the floor, jerking and stiff. His eyes were rolled back and his back arched off the floor. His head kept jerking back to hit the floor and his hand kept hitting his chest hard. His ankle was twisted awkwardly and kept hitting the floor. A small puddle of bloodied drool had formed under his head.

His hydrocortisone injection kit and the emergency kit had been dropped on the floor beside him, the syringe still full. As Seungcheol ran towards him, he could see the dark patches of pigmentation on Minghao's neck and exposed arms.

Seungcheol rolled him onto his side and stuffed his bag under Minghao's head to stop him from hitting it. He held Minghao's wrist to stop him from hitting himself and took his hoodie off to put it under Minghao's twisted foot. Seungcheol picked up the full syringe and grabbed Minghao's discarded emergency kit. He grabbed Minghao's glucagon shot and gave it to him, waiting for the seizure to calm down before injecting the much-needed hydrocortisone.

It took over ten minutes for Minghao to wake up, and he was so confused and tired when he did. Much like with his hypoglycaemic seizures, he was all floppy and sleepy.

Seungcheol could feel a large bump on the back of his head and his wrist and ankle were swelling up horribly. His ankle looked broken but Seungcheol couldn't move to check properly.

Worst of all, his pupils nearly eclipsed his irises. His head had taken a serious hit either as he'd fallen or during his seizure.

"Hey, Minghao. You're having an Addisonian and you've just come 'round from a seizure. You've hurt your head so don't move too much. I'm going to call you an ambulance so you don't get worse, okay?"

Minghao didn't respond but Seungcheol called the ambulance anyway.

They arrived within ten minutes, probably worried about brain damage from the seizure.

Minghao still hadn't spoken, but he was slowly losing consciousness again.

Seungcheol didn't know what could make him pass out. His cortisol was back up after that shot, and his blood sugar had been raised by the glucagon shot.

The paramedics were quick to get him strapped to the gurney and into the ambulance.

Seungcheol stayed by his side the whole journey, holding his hand as he was given IVs and electrodes were attached to his skin.


Seungcheol and Minghao got back to the dorm just after 9 am the next day.

Minghao had spent the night getting his ankle X-rayed and his cortisone levels monitored.

The cause of his episode had been severe dehydration, something Minghao should have picked up a lot sooner than he did but couldn't because of the disorienting effect that had lowered over him.

Minghao was given plenty of fluids and hormones to get his levels back up and he was diagnosed with a concussion, sprained wrist and a broken ankle from the seizure.

A haze of confusion had settled around him from the concussion. All his movements were sluggish as he struggled to the elevator on his crutches, his words were slightly slurred and his eyes were slightly glazed.

They had already discussed getting him an Apple watch with the seizure detecting application. He'd had so many seizures due to his hypoglycaemia and Addison's disease and they were lucky to find him when it happened. If Seungcheol didn't check the practice rooms, he may have been there for hours. He could've died.

Seungcheol was just glad he was home and safe.

Hypoglycaemic MinghaoWhere stories live. Discover now