Year Two: Chapter Sixteen

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Harry's POV 

 "All those times we were in the bathroom, and she was just three toilets down," said Ron bitterly at breakfast the next day. "And we could've ask her, and now..." 

 "I take back every nice thing I've said about her," Y/n moodily grumbled. 

 "I don't remember you saying anything nice about Myrtle," I said. 

 "Well, besides that," said Y/n, casting a sly grin. "She has to know what's been happening, and she could've told us what killed her ages ago!"

Y/n had been distraught when we met her in the Common Room that morning, and it took her only seconds to relay her discovery about Myrtle. Ron had shot up in anger while a sliver of satisfaction went through me, glad for Y/n. 

 It had been hard enough trying to look for spiders. Escaping our teachers long enough to sneak into the girls' bathroom, the girls' bathroom, moreover, right next to the scene of the first attack, was going to be almost impossible. 

 But something happened in our first lesson, Transfiguration, that drove the Chamber of Secrets out of our minds for the first time in weeks. Ten minutes into the class, a Professor McGonagall told us that our exams would start on the first of June, a week from today. 

 "Exams?" howled Seamus Finnigan. "We're still getting exams?" 

 There was a loud bang behind me as Neville Longbottom's wand slipped, vanishing one of the legs on his desk. Professor McGonagall restored it with a wave of her own wand, and turned, frowning, to Seamus. 

 "The whole point of keeping the school at this time is for you to receive your education," she said sternly. "The exams will therefore take place as usual, and I trust that you are all studying hard." 

 Y/n gave a quiet snort of laughter at that, so only Ron and I could hear, but it only made me feel worse. Studying hard! It never occurred to me that there would be exams with the castle in this state. There was a great deal of mutinous muttering around the room, which made Professor McGonagall scowl even more darkly. 

 "Professor Dumbledore's instructions were to keep the school running as normal as possible," she said. "And that, I need hardly point out, means finding out how much you have learned this year." 

 I looked down at the pair of white rabbits I was supposed to be turning in a pair of slippers. What had I learned so far this year? I couldn't seem to think of anything that would be useful in an exam. Ron looked as though he'd just been told he had to go live in the Foridden Forest. Y/n was scratching her rabbit behind the ear, looking nonchalant about the whole prospect of exams. 

I sighed, she rarely had to study to excel in our courses. 

 "Can you imagine me taking exams with this?" Ron asked Y/n and me, holding up his wand, which had just started whistling loudly. 


 Three days before our first exam, Professor McGonagall made another announcement at breakfast. 

 "I have good news," she said, and the Great Hall, instead of falling silent, erupted. 

"Dumbledore's coming back!" several people yelled joyously. 

 "You've caught the Heir of Slytherin," squealed a girl at the Ravenclaw table. 

 "Quidditch matches are back on!" roared Wood excitedly. 

 When the hubbub had subsided, Professor McGonagall said, "Professor Sprout has not informed me that the Mandrakes are ready for cutting at last. Tonight, we will be able to revive those people who have been Petrified. I need hardly remind you all that one of them may well be able to tell us who, or what, attacked them. I am hopeful that this dreadful year will end with our catching the culprit!" 

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