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Monday came too quickly. Changbin was dreading coming to work today. He wanted to avoid the younger as much as possible. He headed to his locker when he could feel a presence behind him. He turned around and saw Seungmin staring at him. Fuck, it's too early for this, he sighed. So much for me avoiding him. They both stood there in silence staring at each other for a second. He turned back to his locker and ignored the younger. 

"Did I do something wrong? You seem like you're avoiding me?" Seungmin said, crossing his arms and stared at the older.

Changbin sighed, his cheeks burning red, "About Friday...thank you...for you know."

"Why did you hide the fact that you were an omega?" Seungmin asked quietly.

Changbin turned towards Seungmin, annoyed now. "I didn't hide anything. You all just assumed I was an Alpha."

"Hmm. I see," Seungmin said, leaning against the wall.

"Look, nothing will change. No one will care that I am omega." Changbin said, moving to leave. "And...about Friday...let's just forget it happened."

Changbin was about to walk out. "Are you always like this? Throwing yourself on the first Alpha you see during your heat?" Seungmin asked angrily.

Changbin's temper growing the more he talked to the Seungmin. "Who do you think you are talking to me like that? Why can't we just forget it happened."

They both walked out into the hallway now. Yelling at each other. Both pissed at the other.

Seungmin was pissed off. "Because I just can't forget about it. It's not like I go around doing this all the time."

"I never said you did, but for once can you just listen." Changbin declared, turning away from the younger and stormed off. "Also, stop acting like a brat and stop talking back to me! I am older than you."

"You're really making a big deal over less than two years? Really? Fine. Grandpa!" Seungmin sneered back.

"You..." Changbin started to speak when Han intruppted them.

"Hey, the boss says if you guys don't come to the meeting right now, he's going to fire you both," Han said looking between the both of them and walked away.

Changbin turned around again, getting ready to storm off, but then turned back around and walked towards Seungmin. He put his finger on the youngers chest, pushing him a little, "And call me hyung!"

Seungmin turned around and walked away again. Damn it, I am over this! He thought, running his hands through his hair again. This whole situation was stressing him out. He is such a pain in the ass, he thought watching the older walk away. Changbin stopped all of a sudden. Why did he stop? What now? He thought, rolling his eyes.

Changbin turned towards him, his face flush. What's that smell? Wait no way!  Seungmin thought, as a sweet honey smell hit his nose. He looked at Changbin and the older was out of breath, pheromones filling the air around them.

"What the hell....why...why is this happening again?" Changbin stuttered out. He was feeling light headed and the heat he felt yesterday was overcoming his body again.

"Again? You aren't in heat again are you?" Seungmin asked, stepping closer to the older and grabbed his hand.

Changbin flinched away and Seungmin stopped his movements. He looked at the older concerned.

"Hey are you guys coming?" Han said, walking back out to the hallway. 

"Y-yeah, we will be right there," Seungmin turned around, blocking Changbin with his body.

"Hm...okay hurry," Han said, walking into the room.

"Why...why is this happening? I took my medicine everyday?" Changbin mumbled behind Seungmin.

The younger turned around to face Changbin. He started releasing his pheromones to try and calm the older down. "Shouldn't omegas be prepared for this? We are at work, why are you going into heat?"

This smell, it smells so good, it's so comforting, Changbin thought, staring up at the younger. His face flushed and his eyes were glazed over.

There's that look again, Seungmin thought. "Hey, isn't this dangerous? You work with a lot of alphas. You shouldn't be at work if you're still in heat"

"You smell good," Changbin muttered, putting his arms around the younger and hugging him. He squeezed the younger trying to get closer to him.

"HEY! What are you...." Seungmin yelled out, trying to get the older off of him when he heard voices walking towards them.

Damn it! I gotta get this guy out of here, Seungmin thought, looking around. There was a door beside them, he pulled the older inside with him, shutting the door just in time as the voices passed by.

Changbin still held onto the younger, rubbing his face onto his chest. Seungmin looked down at the older. What am I even doing? He thought, shaking his head. Changbin looked up at the younger, staring at him. Seungmin watched as Changbin giggled and the older started rubbing into him. Fuck, this dude is already too far gone, he thought, trying to figure out what to do next.

Seungmin jumped, feeling lips on his neck. "What are you doing!" He exclaimed, pushing the older off of him.

Changbin giggled again, looking at the younger. He grabbed onto Seungmin again, making them fall into the wall. The older was still clinging onto him and it was making it hard for him to move. 

"Damn it, you really are a handful," Seungmin exclaimed, trapped in the older's grip.

Changbin's pheromones were filling up the small closet and Seungmin was struggling. Why does this guy have such strong pheromones? Damn it. What kind of alpha wouldn't get turned on in this situation! He thought, squirming to try and get away from the older's grasp.

"Hey!" Seungmin said. Changbin pulled away slightly looking up at him. "You said it was just luck the first time and to stop thinking about it, but don't blame me for this time, okay!"

Changbin stared at the younger, so lost in his heat, he wasn't comprehending anything Seungmin was saying. He leaned in closer towards Seungmin, staring at his lips.

Seungmin closed the gap between them, and kissed the older. Let's hope no one comes in this closest, he thought.

Knock knock.

Fuck! Seungmin thought, pulling away from the older.

Oh shit! Are they going to get caught and get yelled at? What about Changbin's heat?

1037 words

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