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Dr. Chan finally arrived at the apartment complex. 105...105, he chanted in his head as he looked around for the apartment. He finally found the apartment and rang the doorbell.

"Come in. It's unlocked." Seungmin yelled from inside the apartment.

Dr. Chan opened the door and his eyes widened. Changbin & Seungmin's pheromones filled the tiny little apartment. He took a deep breath and walked inside.

Dr. Chan walked into the apartment and noticed Changbin and Seungmin on the bed. Changbin was on top of Seungmin muttering to Seungmin. As he got closer he could hear what was being said.

"It's so good. So good," Changbin kept muttering.

Changbin's arms were shaking but he still held himself up. Seungmin was holding his face whispering back at the older, "I know. I got it. You're okay."

Neither of them noticed Dr. Chan until he was right next to the bed. Seungmin glanced over his eyes widening in surprise. 

"Hello. We spoke earlier, I am Dr. Chan," Dr. Chan said introducing himself as he put his stuff down.

Seungmin blushed, "Hello I'm Seungmin. It seemed like Changbin tried to call you earlier..."

Dr. Chan nodded, he's a young alpha, Dr. Chan thought. "Well let's see what's going on," he said, reaching down to grab Seungmin.

"UM! I don't think that's a good idea," Seungmin said, blushing a deeper red. This is so embarrassing, he thought.

"Oh? Why...oh I see," Dr. Chan smirked.

Dr. Chan reached out and held Changbin's face as he knelt down. "Changbin, do you know who I am?"

Changbin glanced at Dr. Chan before pushing away from him and clinging on to Seungmin again, sneering at the doctor. Seungmin didn't move, unsure of what to do. He glanced between Changbin and the doctor. He's acting like a possessed animal, Dr. Chan thought.

Dr. Chan slowly reached back over and felt Changbin's forehead, "Changbin it's Dr. Chan. I am here to help you."

Changbin made a growl-like sound at the doctor, turning his face away and burying it into Seungmin's nape. Dr. Chan took the opportunity and pulled out a shot, administering it into the younger's arm.

Seungmin's eyes widened, feeling Changbin relax into him. "What did you give him?" He exclaimed, worried for Changbin.

"Don't worry. It's just a stronger suppressant. It will knock him out for a few hours," Dr. Chan said, watching Seungmin cradle the older. "He must really like you."

"Why would you say that?" Seungmin asked, glancing up at the doctor.

"He wouldn't have been this affected by your pheromones if he didn't," Dr. Chan said.

Yeah, everyone keeps saying that, but he sure doesn't act like it, Seungmin thought. He was now drawing circles on the older's back while he was quietly breathing.

"He's so different from other omegas I have met," Suengmin said, looking down at the older.

Dr. Chan nodded his head, "Yes, Changbin is special. I can't give you all the details, but he is a unique case. But I think you are good for him."

Seungmin glanced up at the doctor, his eyes widened at the last part. "W-what do you mean?"

"Just don't give up on him. I know he can be difficult, but this is all new to him. Have patience with him," Dr. Chan said. He reached down and checked Changbin's pulsing, making sure it had steadied out.

Seungmin nodded while listening to the doctor. "If he wants me, I will be here for him, but I don't want to push him and he pushes me away."

"Keep holding on, he will come around," Dr. Chan said, getting up after checking Changbin's vitals. "Let's let him rest for now. Thank you for calling me. Tell him to come see me when he wakes up."

Seungmin nodded, "Thank you for coming so quickly. I will keep an eye on him."


ohhh how do we think Changbin is going to react??? I feel like he's going to freak out and run away XD

633 words

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