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Chan and Hyunjin left the other two males, after making sure Changbin would be alright. They both walked outside and Hyunjin was about to leave, but Chan stopped him.

"Hey, he really will be okay. You don't have to worry so much. He really is getting better everyday."

Hyunjin nodded, "I know. I just can't help, but worry."

"It's understandable, but he has Seungmin too. The two of them will make it through."

Hyunjin hesitated, "I feel like I owe you an apology. I was rude to you the last few times we met, and I now can see that Changbin has made it this far because of your help. So, thank you for helping him."

Well this is a turn of events, Chan thought. "Of course, I just want what's best for Changbin."

Hyunjin nodded, feeling awkward now, "Well I guess I better go."

"If you're not busy, I have the rest of the afternoon off. Want to grab some food?" Chan asked, thinking the younger was being incredibly cute.

"Ummm," Hyunjin said, hesitating.

"You can think of it as making it up to me for being rude," Chan said, amused. Hyunjin blushed, and nodded his head yes. "Perfect, I'm parked this way. I know a spot nearby." Hyunjin felt like he was going to regret this, but followed the older to his car.

Meanwhile upstairs, Changbin had woken up. He wrinkled his nose, smelling two unfamiliar scents. His stomach did some flips and he sat up. His eyes wide, and his face flushed. Seungmin sat up with him, releasing some of his pheromones again, trying to calm the older.

"It's okay," Seungmin said, rubbing the older's back. "Your brother and Dr. Chan stopped by to check on you."

"T-they were here?"

Seungmin nodded his head, "It's probably their pheromones you're smelling. Come here."

Changbin took a shaky breath and leaned back into Seungmin. The younger wrapped his arm back around him and laid them back down. Changbin was shaking slightly in his arms, and he went back to rubbing the older's back trying to calm him.

"You're okay. I promise."

They laid like that until Changbin calmed down again. Changbin felt embarrassed, he didn't expect for Seungmin to see him like this. He sat up and Seungmin sat up with him.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yes...thank you. You didn't have to come and yet you did, that means a lot," Changbin said, his face turning red, from his confession. His heart was beating fast again and loudly in his ears. Am I getting sick again? What is this feeling? Changbin thought.

"Of course. So the doctor said that I am good for you."


"He said that my pheromones are helping you and can make you feel better," Seugmin glanced up, waiting to see what Changbin would say.


"He says you're getting better because of my pheromones..."

"You said that already," Changbin said, eyeing the younger. "What are you really trying to say?"

Seungmin blushed, and looked away from the older. Oh he is cute when he blushes, Changbin thought distracting himself. "M-move in with me?"

Changbin looked at Seungmin, unsure that he heard the younger right, "I'm sorry it sounded like you said to move in with you?"

Seungmin nodded slowly, "It's just temporary...until you feel more stable," He started panicking when Changbin didn't answer him. "J-just that the doctor said I was good for you..."

"You want to live together. Like you and me...together?" Changbin repeated, his heart started beating fast again. I must be getting sick. Why does my heart keep beating fast? he thought. His face flushed and he could hear his heartbeat in his ears.

"I think there are lots of benefits living together. We can get you use to other people's pheromones and get you to learn how to stablize yours. Plus if you go into heat..." Seungmin trailed off blushing again.

Changbin kept staring at him while he rambled on. I do want to live with him, he thought without hesitation.

"Don't you feel stable with me? You can't deny that I am good for you."

Changbin was tired of things being complicated. Maybe this is what our next step needs to be. I'm tired of complicating things. Everything he is saying is right, he thought. He wanted to say yes, but he was too embarrassed to admit it.

"I'm going to pretend this conversation didn't happen. Thank you for coming today. I appreciate it," Changbin said, not making eye contact with the younger. Changbin stood up and started to walk towards the door.

Seungmin grabbed his arm, stopping him. "Do you have any idea how stubborn you are? You think you can handle things on your own? Do you have any idea how possessive alphas are? You can't even control your pheromones. What do you think will happen now that you are affected by other alphas' pheromones?" He dropped Changbin's arm. "I'm trying to be so patient with you," Seungmin sat back down, mumbling to himself.

Changbin watched him as he kept mumbling to himself. "You are acting like such a brat, and you're suppose to be the older one. Telling me to call you hyung and what not. You are driving me insane. After everything, everything I've done...what about me?"

It hit Changbin, this guy...is whining! He is so cute...I don't even know what to do with him, he thought. He kept watching the younger amused.

"This is crazy. You know this is the right solution and yet you won't do it."

"Are you done whining?"

"No," Seungmin pouted.

Changbin chuckled to himself, shaking his head. What am I going to do with him? He thought.


so what do we think? Will changbin move in?

908 words

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