chapter one

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Kyalayi had grown into a beautiful woman. As years passed, she'd looked more and more like her mother. Marrek missed her, wished for her to be alive. Fifteen years ago, Marrek stopped exploring his planet and looked for refuge within one of its tribes. The Metkayina clan had been the only one to open its doors when he arrived through the forest. Exhausted from walking for weeks and with a child in his arm, Tonowari—the Metkayina's olo'eyktan— and his wife Ronal finally gave him shelter. They had offered him a hut with a small crib made out of bamboo and fishes' bones. Women had helped with raising Kyalayi. Men taught their way of life to Marrek. Fifteen years later, they could call Awa'atlu their home.

"I'm going fishing for breakfast." Kyalayi announced to her father as she grabbed the seaweed fishnet and the spear.

"Put your gloves on." He firmly responded before his daughter could step out the hut.

The girl sighed and wrapped the leather ropes around her fingers, making sure to hide the scars. She did the same on the other hand. Her father referred to them as gloves, a word he had taken from the English language. Over the years, Marrek had thought her daughter a few basics but only in case of an intrusion. If she recognized Na'vi speaking it, they weren't what they seemed to be.

"Happy?" She shook her hands to her father and he rolled her eyes at her attitude.

"Go." He ordered.

Kyalayi walked to the beach. She let out a breath as her feet touched the warm sand and inhaled another one when they sensed the water sliding between her toes. She made her way farther down the water and squinted her eyes looking for fish. It was still early, the beach was empty. Almost everyone were still asleep or cooking breakfast in their hut.

"You hit anything?" Tsireya asked, standing on the beach behind Kyalayi.

"Not yet." She smiled. "Want to help?"

Tsireya seemed hesitant. She kept looking around her as if someone was going to stop her. The olo'eyktan's daughter nodded while taking the spear from Kya's hands. They both peacefully fished together. Kyalayi didn't have many friends. The kids usually made fun of her gloves or her appearance. There was no one who looked like Kyalayi. White hair. Different colored eyes. She always felt like an outcast. And she liked being alone but sometimes, she wished to be included. Tsireya was the only one who seemed to like her. Over the years, they hung out or talked but always when no one from the village was around. Always hidden. After a moment, the girls had caught six fishes.

"Here. Take half. You did half the job." Kyalayi handed three fishes to Tsireya and smiled.


The girls both went back to their respective hut. Kyalayi threw the fishes at her father as he started to cook them. The girl grated some fruits and pressed out their juice to put in small bowls made out of coconut shells.

"You did good." Marrek told her daughter in the middle of their breakfast. She smiled, proud of meeting her father's expectations.

Before the afternoon sun shun on the beach, Kyalayi was already deep into the forest. The small leather bag crossed over her body as she walked through trees and herbs. She inhaled the wet wood and fresh flowers and find comfort in it. She crawled down the terrain and picked up different kinds of flowers, mushrooms and plants to give to her father. Marrek had learned a few things from his time with the Sky People's scientists. Not long after coming to Awa'atlu, he started collecting parts of its natures and turning it into medicine. He became the village's healer. A way more advanced healer. Most criticized and judged his way but when trouble came, his treatments were the most effective. Kyalayi stared up at the vines hanging in between trees when she saw creatures flying in the sky. She thought about the Sky People.
Is it them?
Kyalayi ran back to her village, scared that the Sky People were coming back for her father. The girl didn't have any memories of her time with them, she didn't even knew who her mother was but Marrek had carefully warned her about them. A crowd was already circling the deck where the strangers had arrived. She walked up to her father who stood stiff behind Tonowari, Ronal and their two children.

"Are they Sky People?" She whispered in her father's ear, her voice shaking.

"No, Kya. They're from another clan." He answered, placing his hand around her shoulder to reassure her.

Soon, the strangers in front of them had names. Sully. They were running away from Sky People, just like Marrek did fifteen years ago. He felt for the family begging before them. He sensed the hesitation of his chief and decided to spoke up.

"Tonowari." Marrek softly said before stepping asides his leader. "The Sully are seeking shelter just like I did all those years ago." He was now addressing to the crowd. "This village opened its arms for my daughter and I, and we will forever be grateful to you all. We must continue to open our arms to others in need." Marrek leaned in and whispered to his old friend. "They have children. Children the same age as ours."

Kyalayi timidly nodded to her father's speech. She examined the Sully. The father, Jake, was built like a warrior and he stood like one. The mother, Neytiri looked devastated like she had been crying. Kya thought how difficult it must had been to leave their village. Behind the parents were two boys and two girls. One of them seemed lost and way too young to fully understand what was happening to her. She felt for them. Everything they knew was threatened by destruction. By Sky People. And a hidden part of her related to the Sully's. A part of her that she couldn't remember but had always felt.

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