chapter four

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When Kyalayi returned from teaching the Sully's, a dried leaf with food on it was already placed besides the faint fire. Her father was no where in the hut. She didn't wait for him before starting eating. He probably is still in the forest, collecting other samples, she thought. She took the leaf and walked outside of the hut and sat at its entrance. Kya liked the reef after the eclipse. It was peaceful, less crowded and she could observed the ocean and its creatures. But that night, something bothered her moment of calm. Voices echoed from the hut next to hers. The Sully's. Kya shamelessly eavesdropped. Jake was lecturing his oldest for this morning's incident. Kya thought how unfair it was to put all of the blame on Neteyam. Aonung was the one to blame.

"You ate?" Her father's voice caught Kya's attention.

"Yes, sir." She replied and noticed his bag filled with different plants species. He must had been in the forest for hours. Marrek passed by his daughter and entered the hut to put his things down. "You just got back?"

"Big day. I'm making stocks."


"In case." Marrek didn't need to finish his sentence that Kya thought of the words.
In case something happened to him.
Kya buried the thoughts deep in her mind. Her father wasn't going anywhere. "Everything went well with the Sully's?" He asked, intrigued.

"They'll get better." Kyalayi responded, a smile creeping on her lips.

"Aonung?" He asked referring to their altercation earlier that day.

"Less than usual."

"Good. I want you to keep an eye on them." Marrek paused, he understood the heaviness of what he was about to ask his daughter. "The Sully's. Make sure they learn. Be good to them."

Kya nodded, absorbing every instructions her father was telling. Her father wanted her to treat them not as strangers or newcomers but as a fellow member of the clan. 

"Don't stay out too late." He ordered before stepping into his side of the hut.

Kya glanced at her father's direction, he had already fallen asleep. His day in the forest must had exhausted him. She returned her gaze to her village. A dark sky reflecting on the clear water, the stars shining through it. Kyalayi stayed out late. Everytime she would close her eyes, all she could see was last night's nightmare. Pieces of it. The bright light blinding her, the painful needles sticking in her skin and the fingers. Five of them. Touching her like she was sand slipping. Sand, she thought as an urge travelled her whole body. She twirled her head, making sure her father wouldn't wake up before leaving for the beach. Sand would warmed her up. She sat on the beach, her legs stretched as she grabbed a handful of sand. Kya slowly let it dropped along her leg, it tingled. She did the same gesture a couple more times before sensing tiredness overcome her. She laid back and slept under the moonlight.


Water splashed Kyalayi's toes, abruptly waking her up. A feminine laugh echoed, catching her attention.

"Tuk." She paused, her eyes slowly adapting to the bright sunlight. "Why aren't you in your hut? It's early."

"It's hard being away from home."

"You can't sleep?" Tuk shook her head in response. "Me neither."

Tuk lifted her head up, glad to have found someone who could relate to her. No one in her family really listened. Most of the times, Lo'ak would tell her to stop whining or acting like a baby. But Tuk desperately missed her home, her forest and her animal friends.

"Is it comfier on the beach?" The Sully's youngest asked to the girl. "Sleeping." She added.

"Depends. I like the sand but some nights, it slips in my mouth." Kya said with a sour face which made Tuk burst into laughing.

"I like the sand too. It's so soft." She exclaimed as she took some of it in her palms and let it fall back down. "I had never touched it before."


Tuk shook once again her head, her braids swinging and whipping her cheeks. Kyalayi thought about growing up in the forest but she snapped back when she saw Tsireya approached them.

"I see you've found a new friend." Tsireya said, referencing to their usual early morning's meeting as she sat next to Kya.

"We're a trio, now." Kyalayi exclaimed shifting her gaze from Tsireya to Tuk. The girls smiled.

It was soon a full house, the other Sully and Aonung joining the the girls on the beach. Tsireya had prepared some breathing exercises to help the Sully stay longer under water. They all needed some practice except for Kiri. Since yesterday's training, Kiri was the only one who had progressed. The eldest daughter had fallen in love with the ocean, fascinated by its fauna. Kiri's body floated in the water but her head went underneath the surface. She stayed close to the beach where she could still reach the bottom and admired the fishes. All day. Kiri was on her own while the other three siblings stayed back on the beach. Kyalayi was fascinated by Kiri and how fast she had adapted to the ways of water. Neteyam noticed the girl staring at his sister. He stared at her the same way. Fascinated. They all formed a circle, sitting on the sand.

"To stay longer underwater, you have to control your breath. Slow the pace of your heart." Tsireya explained to the Sully's.

Tuk, Neteyam and Lo'ak all started breathing, over doing it like Tsireya's words went in and out their ears. The Metkayina's siblings and Kyalayi stared at each other, smiling. Tsireya put her hand on Lo'ak's chest forcing him to slow his breath. In. Pause. Out. Neteyam and Tuk took example on their brother. In. Pause. Out.

"You're doing great." Kya exclaimed causing Tsireya to snap out of her bubble.

"I guess you are." Aonung started. "For freaks."

Kyalayi glared at Aonung, her father's words resurfacing her mind. I want you to keep an eye on them. Be good to them. The white haired girl tightened the leather strips around her hands before elbowing the boy. Aonung let out a faint grunt, his body folding in half as Kya's elbow hit his stomach. Lo'ak and Tuk tried holding their laughs. Neteyam glanced at the girl.

"Why don't we test out the breathing technique." Tsireya stated, trying to dissolve the tension.

The group made their way to the water and started diving in pairs. Lo'ak swam with Tsireya. Tuk with Aonung and Neteyam with Kyalayi. Seconds passed underwater then minutes.

"Any progress?" Tsireya signed to Kyalayi, causing the two brothers exchanging questioning stares. The forest Na'vi didn't understood their sign language specifically designed for the underwater. But they would soon learn it.

"Getting better everyday." Kya signed back before returning her attention to Neteyam who started to struggle. The boy held his breath as much as he could. Bubbles came out of his nose and mouth as he swam towards the surface causing Kyalayi to follow him.

"How long has it been?" He coughed, catching his breath.

"Over ten minutes. Neteyam, this is really good progress." Kya exclaimed, happy for the boy before her.

Neteyam's shoulder felt lighter after hearing the girl's words. He knew how important it was for his father to learn the Metkayina's ways and he did. Day by day. Neteyam looked behind Kyalayi spotting both Lo'ak and Tsireya appear at the surface. He turned his head to check up on Tuk. Kya followed his gaze.

"Maybe they're still underwater?" Neteyam frowned, struggling to keep swimming, his arms tired from the constant mouvement. He stared at Kyalayi's figure sinking underwater and instantly come up. She looked around, worried which triggered something in Neteyam. He spotted Aonung on the beach. Alone. Tuk was missing.

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