chapter two

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A bright white light from the ceiling blinded Kyalayi's sight. In her position, she couldn't see anything but the ceiling light. Black stars started appearing before her eyes. She felt dizzy. Suddenly, figures popped out of nowhere and even if her gaze was blurry, she could see their fingers wiggling over her head. Five of them. Each hand had five fingers. Their skin was beige. Humans. She couldn't move her body, couldn't escape. The fingers started pinching and poking her. She cried in pain.
Why can't I move? Where am I?
She looked around. Her teal arms strapped with some metallic restraints. She lifted her head, white walls circling her. She started panicking, the figures pushing her head and body down while mumbling indistinct words. Words she couldn't understand because they weren't in Na'vi. English.

"Kya." They said her name. Panicked flustered her whole body. "Wake up, Kya."

The girl abruptly opened her eyes, siting her body straight in the same mouvement. Her breath was out of her control, she inhaled and exhaled the fear. In. Out.

"You're safe, baby." Her father whispered instantly calming her down, confirming that it was only a dream.

Marrek stared at his daughter, tucking her back in bed. She had fallen asleep but he still laid besides her, caressing her hair. It had been a moment since Kya had one of her nightmares. Her memories usually resurfaced every other year. Memories from when the Sky People almost killed his daughter. He never told her, and never will. It was for her own safety.

"I promised your mother. You'll always be safe." Marrek whispered, his throat closing as he let a silent sob.

When Kyalayi woke up, her father wasn't by her side anymore. She barely remembered her nightmare just that it had been so frightening, her father had to shake her woke. She walked out of her hut yawning and stretching her arms, legs and tail before making her way to the beach. The sand even warmer than the day before. Kya was soon joined by the Sully's children along with Tsireya, Aonung and other kids from the clan.

"You woke me up this morning." Aonung spat as he tugged on Kya's platinum braid. "Still scared of the dark?" He tugged again but this time harder, making the girl fell on the sand.

Kyalayi stayed on the ground. She made no sudden moves and no sounds, just like her father had taught her. He said those kids weren't worth fighting. She just needed to disappear and wish for them to get bored. Bullies lived on their victims' attention. While Aonung and his friends continued to harass the girl, the Sully kids didn't know how to react. They didn't want to meddle by overstepping in the conflict. Their parents had warned them to be on their best behavior. They thought the two of them might had been old friends. But they soon realized they had been wrong. Aonung just liked to bully.

"Leave her alone." Tsireya exclaimed, giving a gentle push on her brother's back.

Behind, the eldest son of the Sully tried his hardest to not speak up. His parents had always taught him respect and kindness. Neteyam stared at Kyalayi on the ground, he found herself wanting to defend and protect the girl like he would have done for his sisters. He approached and presented his hand to her. She met his eyes. It was the first time that Neteyam noticed her eyes. One eye as blue as the ocean before him and the other eye was a darker shade of yellow similar to his. Blue and Gold, shining like jewels. Mighty jewels. Kya slowly lifted her hand up, as if she wasn't used to getting help or if she trusted the hand that was right before her. But for the first time in her life, Kya took a chance.

"Thank you." She mouthed while standing back up on her feet with the help of Neteyam.

"I guess freaks support each other." Aonung commented, making the others laugh. Aonung circled around the youngest son, in a predatory way before grasping Lo'ak's fingers. Five of them. "Freaks." He repeated.

At the same time, one of his friend did the same thing with Kya's hand. All of the village had wondered about her leather bandages. No one ever saw her without them, they soon understood she must had something to hide.

"Aonung!" Tsireya protested but he shoved her out of his way. One of the boys kept his firmed grip on Kyalayi's wrist, restraining her while the other attempted to take the leather off. Every of the Sully felt powerless in terms of strength, there were more of them. Lo'ak tried to wiggle his way out of Aonung's grip. Kyalayi fought them as much as she could, but the boys were stronger.

"Stop being a bully." The eldest Sully daughter exclaimed while the youngest grabbed a handful of sand and threw it in their faces.

"Let go." Neteyam ordered, his eyes turning darker. "Both of them." Chaos filled the beach.


The voice made everyone froze in place. Marrek angrily approached the kids, staring down at Aonung and his friends. He was disappointed in Tsireya. She was a pure and gentle kind unlike her brother but she hadn't helped his daughter. Now free, Kyalayi tightened back the leather straps around her wrists and fingers.

"I'm okay." She whispered to her father before he could get closer. He nodded and turned to Aonung who still had a hold of Lo'ak's hand.

"You're supposed to help each other." Marrek placed his hand on Aonung's shoulder. The boy didn't have the courage to look up but Marrek cocked his head, forcing him to meet his gaze. "Help them learn our ways. Make your father proud."

Kya glanced at the Sully children. They all stood confident, heads high up like they feared nothing. She envied them. She envied how they stood up for one another. No matter what trouble they were in, the Sully would never be alone. Something Kyalayi felt everyday.

"What's the problem here?" Tonowari asked, his eyebrows frowned with confusion as he was followed by Ronal, Jake and Neytiri. "Marrek?"

"Kids being kids." He responded to his leader. "Nothing to worry about." He was now addressing to Jake. "They were about to start their swimming lesson."

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