chapter nineteen

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That night after her father's revelation, Kyalayi slept in the Sully's hut by the crackling fire that was now slowly dying. Neteyam was the only child awake. Every time he had closed his eyes, he only imagined Kya, strapped and tortured by the same people who had scarred her for life as he didn't know who the real culprit of her wounds was. So he didn't slept, instead he protectively watched over the dozed ocean girl through the flames as he listened to his parents discussing behind him.

"Poor child." Neytiri sighed, glancing toward Kyalayi's way, her eyes filled of sorrow. "How can one lived through so much and still stand so strong." She obliviously added as Jake smiled to her words, finding them rather ironic as he thought of what his mate had gotten through herself over the years. Neytiri clearly relating to Kyalayi.

When Jake focused his gaze on his mate to answer her, he noticed Marrek standing at the entrance of his family's hut, observing his daughter with nothing but devastating eyes. Jake rapidly uncrossed his arms as he walked toward the man. Neytiri turned around and stayed closed behind her mate, unsure if she could trust the village's healer anymore. Because what kind of child would rather stay the night in another home than her own? Only a hurt child would. And if Marrek was the one who had caused pain to Kyalayi, Neytiri wouldn't stop herself from avenging the defenseless child.

"Marrek." Jake simply whispered but said so much more than the man's name as the healer's gaze was still fixated onto his girl and her glove-free arms.

"She wasn't supposed to find out." Marrek turned his head to the Sully couple, his eyebrows scrunched together and his eyes filled of tears, tired of keeping secrets. "Don't you understand? It was the only way for them to accept us. It was the only way for her to have a somewhat normal life. We couldn't keep running away."

The more Marrek revealed his secrets, the quieter his voice became due to being ashamed of his past actions and the more shocked the couple was. Neytiri growled at the man who tried to excuse the atrocity he had committed as Jake inhaled a sharp and short breath while imagining what Kyalayi had suffered.

"So cruel," Neytiri growled through gritted teeth. "You're just like them." She added, referencing to the Sky People she had so much hatred for.

"You believe I wanted to do that?"

"We have children like yours, and they still have all of their fingers. There is no excuse."

"I was desperate."

"No excuse." Neytiri repeated before walking away, trying to control herself to not put a knife under the man's throat. Jake looked deep into Marrek's eyes, he understood why the man had do it and knew how much love he carried for his daughter, he had witnessed it with his own eyes. But it didn't meant he agreed on the way he had handled his past. There were so many things he could have done differently rather than cut his daughter's difference. Marrek gulped the big and sharp lump in his throat that kept him from breathing regularly as he spoke up one last time before leaving the Sully's hut.

"Take care of her." He instructed as he knew the importance of letting his daughter have her space and hoped that eventually she would come back to him. And Marrek would wait forever if that meant there was a slight chance of getting back the relationship he used to have with Kyalayi. What good did it do to regain the love of his life if it also meant loosing his daughter.

Jake gave him a firm nod as he watched the man dreadingly return to his own hut. When he disappeared, Jake joined his mate and laid with her by the fire as they both observed their kids. Neteyam, now eyes closed, had heard everything, including Marrek's confession which had left him disturbed and made it even harder for him to keep his promise. It would be nearly impossible now to keep away from the girl. Eventually, the whole family was sound asleep in their hut, the fire warming their bodies was slowly fading away the same way as the Metkayina girl's hopes of having her family back.


Kyalayi woke up as she felt the bright and orange rays of the sun rising on her village, warming up her cheeks. The teenage girl straightened herself, rising her still asleep body with the help of her hands. She looked around to notice all of the Sully still deep in their slumber and understood how early in the morning it was. Yet, the white haired girl still chose to get up and went to find the place where she usually could fill her lack of solace. Without making a noice, she tip toed out of the hut and walked until she could feel the warm sand under her feet. Kyalayi sat on the sand, her legs dipped in the salted and translucent water as she watched the sunrise in awe. The girl inhaled a big breath as she took in the picturesque view before her eyes, making everything in her life seem less heavy. As her hands naturally dropped to the ground, grabbing each a handful of sand, Kyalayi realized how soft it felt on her healed scars and couldn't stop herself from gawking at them. She wasn't as disgusted anymore. The teenage girl hated them but the more she stared, the more comfortable she became with them. Especially now that she knew they were an act made out of love rather than hate which could sound disturbing to anyone else but to Kyalayi, it made sense. The girl still wasn't ready to face her father, met his eyes that had been lying to her for the past fifteen years. Neither was she ready for her mother who now had come back from the dead, felt like she had abandoned them all of those years. She needed time to fully accept herself which started by not wearing her gloves. She didn't want to hide behind them anymore.

"Still an early bird I see." A sweet and feminine voice gently spoke, snapping the young girl back from her daze. Tsireya sat beside her morning friend, not entirely sure how to act with her since the Sky People's spaceship crashed onto the beach a few days ago. Kyalayi saw glimpses of awkwardness in the chief's daughter's eyes but decided to ignore them, only wanting to have her life back to what it used to be.

"You know how much I like sunrises." Kyalayi simply replied as she kept her gaze focused on the sun slightly blinding her vision.

"I do too." Tsireya smiled which slowly faded as her eyes flickered from Kyalayi's gloveless hands and face which caused sadness and pity to settle onto Tsireya's expression.

"Please," Kyalayi started before sighing and finally locking eyes with her almost friend. "Don't ask." She pleaded which was followed by a few rapid and understanding nods by the curly haired girl.

"I'm only going to tell you that I see you, Kya. And I'm always going to wake up early with you."

To that, the jewel eyed girl smiled, happy that Tsireya considered her a friend as much as she did and for once, Kyalayi didn't feel as alone as she was used to. The two girls were soon joined by the third member of their early birds squad. Tuk, with her usual energetic attitude, skipped toward the beach as she spotted Kyalayi and Tsireya sitting by the water. The Metkayina girls' ears perking as they heard her footfalls echoed under the sand, causing them to turn around.

"Good morning Tuk Tuk." Kyalayi hoarsely said, her voice still recovering from the multiple breakdowns she had since a couple of days.

"One day, I'm going to wake up before you guys." The youngest Sully stated, tone laced with ambition and annoyance of always being the last one arriving.

"I can't wait to see that day." Tsireya chuckled, challenging even more the child as Tuk sticked her tongue out to mock the ocean girl.

Kyalayi grinned at the both of them, feeling relieved now that she had realized she could still function like any other teenager. Simply by enjoying the small things of life.

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