chapter eight

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Hybrids were rare, especially in reef people. Sky People had explored the forest first, hence why they were more common there. Neteyam didn't understood how Kyalayi could be one. He trusted Lo'ak but couldn't believe it until there was concrete proof. And Neteyam intended to find one. He couldn't put words on why he constantly felt this intense sense of protection towards his family. Or really anyone who he would cross path with. In this case, he barely knew Kyalayi but if there was a possibility she could be a hybrid. One of them. Neteyam wanted to learn about it. About her and her story. But first, the Sully brothers needed to join Tsireya and Aonung on the beach. The lessons would come soon to an end. Only a few days until the Sully were fully prepared to test their new knowledge of the water. Diving deep in the water was today's assignment. Due to the recent events, Tuk stayed in the hut, recovering as Kiri helped Neytiri with entertaining her little sister for the day. Neteyam and Lo'ak arrived on the beach, the Metkayina sibling already in the water. The brothers followed. Neteyam deep in his mind, he couldn't care less about his diving lesson. Kya was his only concern at the moment. Suddenly, the Sully boy sensed a sting behind his head causing him to snarl in annoyance. Aonung had slapped him.

"My sister asked you a question." The chief's son firmly said before Neteyam could let his frustration out. The boy turned his gaze to Tsireya who was already staring at him. Lo'ak shook his head. Since he had told Neteyam about Kya possibly being a hybrid, he saw the shift in his brother. Distant and wordless which could only meant he was planning something.

"Bro." Lo'ak glared at his brother who still seemed to be dazed from Aonung's slap.

"I'm listening." Neteyam lied and proceeded to actually do it for the next part of Tsireya's lesson.

Today's exercise was to put in practice their breathing technique when diving. Aonung and Tsireya would throw oysters in the ocean as Lo'ak and Neteyam would dive to bring them back to the surface. The siblings would do that same motion until the Sully boys brought the oysters in one breath only.

"You boys are not concentrated." Tsireya softly exclaimed as they all swam to the surface. "You have to breath like I showed you."

"I know how to motivate them." Aonung spoke up, a smirk on his lips. Neteyam glared at the boy, struggling to decide if he trusted him or not. "Make it a competition. A little sibling rivalry."

The Sully scowled at one another but both with a playful smile creeping. Lo'ak would use any reason to compete with his brother. "Let's do it." He confidently responded.

Aonung played with the oyster he had in his hand, throwing it in the air a few times before he stretched his arms and swang it in the ocean. "3. 2. 1." Before Aonung could say 'Go', the Sully immersed their body in the water and eagerly dived toward the oyster. Lo'ak pushed Neteyam. Neteyam pushed Lo'ak. But it turned out that Aonung had been right. Sibling rivalry motivated the boys as they both succeeded to dive to the ocean's bottom in one breath.

"I got it!" Neteyam shouted, proud of himself as he swam back up to the surface. Lo'ak annoyed, slammed his hand on the water, splashing it as he passed by Tsireya and Aonung before swimming toward the beach. "Lo'ak." He yelled. "Don't be such a wuss."

Lo'ak now on the sand, turned around and aggressively presented his brother both his middle fingers causing the Metkayina siblings to chuckle. Neteyam had always been the golden boy, the perfect little soldier. It deeply affected Lo'ak's self esteem. The boy always seemed to screw up, even when he didn't intended to. As he disappeared toward the family hut, Neteyam's gaze drifted to the girl sneaking into the forest. Kyalayi.


All day, Kyalayi had did nothing but sketching with different colors of dried and crushed seashells. On a plank of wood, the girl find herself painting a familiar face. Dark blue skin and golden eyes. She smiled at the picture. Familiar was the word to describe the Sully's. Ever since they seeked shelter to Metkayina, she felt connected. Attracted. Kyalayi let one of them see her scars. Touched them. She stared at her father who was concocting an aloe ointment. In her fifteen years, not even her father had dared to touch them. She could barely look at them without tasting the bittersweet saliva in her mouth. It disgusted her, that was one of the reason why she covered them most of the time. You're a hybrid. Lo'ak's words was on loop in Kya's mind. She didn't fully understand it but she deeply wanted to know. A splurge of courage travelled her body.

"Dad." She called out. "What's a hybrid?"

Marrek stopped mixing. He stopped breathing to his daughter's question. In fifteen years, Kyalayi had never once questioned her identity. There was a reason why he hadn't told her. Why he kept it a secret.

"Where did you heard such a word?" He firmly replied, not showing an ounce of fear in his voice.

"Around the village." Kyalayi paused. "Is that why the Sully's have five fingers like Sky People? Because they're hybrids? Am I one? Because of my scars?" The girl added, now thinking out loud.

"Asking these kinds of questions are dangerous." Marrek ceased what he was doing and grabbed his daughter by the shoulders. The memories of Evelyn, his own capture and Kyalayi being tested as a baby resurfacing, flashing before his eyes. It became harder to control his fear. "Listen to me girl, you don't go around saying those words." Kyalayi's eyes widened, her brows furrowed due to her father's sudden anger. Marrek's fear soon got the best of him. His voice was shaking and his firm stronger. "You are reef people, you were raised in this clan. Don't start questioning it. And never," He paused, leaning in. "Never take your gloves off."

"You're hurting me." Kyalayi finally whispered, the lump in her throat making it hard for her to breath. Marrek's face softened. He slowly let go of her shoulders, realizing he had lost control. Kyalayi was at first stunned by her father's attitude. It was the first time she had ever dared to ask about her scars. It was the first time she had seen her father so furious. But after a few, she became angrier, more irritated that he wouldn't answer her questions. The girl only wanted to know where she had came from. You are reef people, you were raised in this clan, was her father's words. He had said raised, not born in it. Kyalayi stood up, yanking her crossbody leather pouch from a bamboo branch.

"Kya." Marrek's now gentle voice echoed as the girl ran out of her hut and snuck into the forest.

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