01: Going Under

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Harsh sunlight bore down on a ship set away at sea. Its old but sustained surface is home to a couple dozen or so men, all with a similar path in life. Outcasts, criminals, misfits, all under one conjoined name, those that were feared at sea, pirates. Somehow these people, who were all in it for themselves, came together to form one crew that meant business.

The sails wrapped in the wind, needing to be trimmed down soon enough if it kept up. The waters of the ocean below crashed into the side of the ship, being nothing too worrisome for as clear as the skies were. Only a few stray clouds lingered in the sky, their large fluffy surfaces providing much appreciated shade from the baring sun.

A young pirate leaned against the railing of the ship, gazing into the water below. Arms crossed over his chest, one leg kicked back into a causal stance. He was ignored by the other crew members, who were all too busy upholding their duties, or wasting away the day.

"What's on your mind?" A strong voice rang out, equally as strong footsteps sounding off of the wooden boards.

Wooyoung's gaze lifted from the water, locating the owner of the voice. A subtle smirk formed on his lips, gazing upon the only other person about equal to his height on this entire ship.

"Nothing much, Captain." Wooyoung answered, cocking his head to the side, turning to gaze back to the water. He breathed in the salty air, letting it out in a long sigh. "I believe there's a storm coming."

"I wouldn't doubt it." Hongjoong, the captain of this notoriously feared pirate ship, replied, following the youngers gaze out to the water. "We've had too many clear days for this time of year."

"Should I prepare the others?" Wooyoung tore his eyes from the hypnotizing blue, speaking in all seriousness as one of the captains only completely trusted crew members.

"Wait until dusk, I wouldn't want to cause unnecessary fear." Hongjoong's eyes left Wooyoung's form, trailing over his ship and those that resided on it. "Though I want everything prepared just in case before dark, if nothing happens before then."

"Aye aye, Captain." Wooyoung saluted playfully, the motion itself quite lazily done. He could get away with these types of things, anyone else that dared tried it against Hongjoong would end up in a cell down in the depths of the ship no sane person would willingly walk into.

Hongjoong shook his head, walking off to examine the rest of the ship, barking orders to those that lazed around. Hearing some of those orders, Wooyoung pushed himself off the railing, deciding it was time for him to get his duties done as well. Most of the day went by in a flash, the waters getting far worse, the wind fighting the sails, clouds building up in gray groups in the sky.

By dusk, the first clap of thunder sent a shiver up the crew's spine. Summer storms were never a good thing in these waters. Wooyoung didn't even have to step up and inform every one of their roles for preparations, those tasks already being completed by those on deck. He could only assume the same was happening below deck.

The sun continued to set until it felt like the world completely blacked out. Lanterns were lit, but that was about all they could rely on in terms of light. No stars, no moon, no guidance. They were quite literally in the dark on this, but luckily Wooyoung wasn't afraid of the dark, nor any storm that it could bring.

Hongjoong emerged from his captain's quarters, clad in warmer clothes than anyone would typically see him wear in the summer. Wooyoung jogged across the deck and up the stairs to follow Hongjoong to the wheel, a clap of thunder making him look around for signs of enemy ships. He didn't spot any oddly shaped shadows, breathing out a tense breath.

"I want everyone below deck the second the storm begins." Hongjoong stated, putting his lantern up against a nearby pole, overlooking the other minimal lanterns that decorated the ship, flames dancing like fireflies in the night. "I have to make sure we stay on the right path."

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