07: The Power of a Sea Witch

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Taking in a sharp breath, Wooyoung's eyes shot open seemingly out of nowhere. His chest continued to rise and fall at a faster speed than normal, eyes looking across all of the rocks, markings, and moss around him while his foggy mind tried to make sense of everything. He had a very disorientating dream.

"San?" Wooyoung called out, voice raspy but filled with concern. He hated that he had to seek reassurance from the siren, but he had no other choice. And maybe some part of him didn't hate it as much as he wanted to.

"I'm here." San said softly, crawling over from his side of the cave to where he rested Wooyoung on flatter rocks. He didn't want to keep the human cramped up in his little nook, so he opted for this instead. "What's wrong?"

"I...had another nightmare I think." Wooyoung answered, highly unsure of his own words. "I...it was—ow." Wooyoung tried sitting up, feeling a pain shoot up his left leg when he tried to use it. It was then that he stared down at his leg that everything properly processed. "It wasn't a nightmare...."

San reached out to put a hand on the human's shoulder, but he hesitated, his hand hovering over where he wanted to put it. After a breath, he returned his hand to his side.

"Ah...my head hurts." Wooyoung put the base of his hands against his eyes, pressing into them hard. While it didn't entirely help his head, the sensation was soothing enough.

"Hopefully it can all go away soon." San muttered, repeating his earlier action, this time actually touching Wooyoung's back.

The human jumped at the contact, taking in the way San slowly moved his hand up and down.

"What do you mean?" Wooyoung questioned, clearly confused. He pulled his hands away from his eyes, looking to the siren even if he'd get trapped under his alluring beauty.

"Yunho went to find my...the sea witch." San said calmly, moving so that he crouched in front of Wooyoung instead of being beside him. "I would think they'd be here soon, it's been a long time since Yunho left."

Wooyoung's features further furrowed in confusion.

"Try to eat something if you can." San muttered, standing and walking back over to his trinkets and treasures. "The storm is long gone, so hopefully after this I can take you back up to the surface. It's probably not the best idea with your leg, but I know you want to be up there."

Wooyoung hummed, but instead of doing what the siren said, at least for these first few moments, he turned to look at him. There was a clear pile of unorganized treasures, pulled from their places and piled up in a way that surely was bothering San. The most notable thing of it all though was that the pile would definitely be considered of high value, even if Wooyoung wasn't from the ocean, he could understand that simply from the gemstones amongst the other random things.

Turning back around, Wooyoung reached for the closest jar of food that he could get his hands on. Whenever he pulled the lid off he took note that the woven bag that he packed before was nowhere in sight. All of its contents were scattered about in his little area, but the bag itself, no matter where Wooyoung looked around the cave he didn't catch sight of it.

"Stop looking and eat." San called out, having been watching his human that entire time, crouched with annoyance clear in his posture. He knew exactly what Wooyoung was looking for.

Grumbling, Wooyoung ate a few bites worth of some pieces of cut up bread which were previously stuffed into the jar. He only assumed it was a whole loaf, or at least half of one at some point, but was torn apart to fit into the only thing that would prevent it from being drenched in water.

"Happy?" Wooyoung remarked sassily, taking one more bite at his eyes locked with the siren's. His other hand worked on putting the lid back on the jar.

"No, that's not nearly enough." San frowned, sighing as he stood, once again making his way back to Wooyong's side.

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