08: Surface Beauty

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Calm waves washed up against the beach, a small breeze swirling around in the air, preventing the rays from the direct sun from feeling too hot. In the distance sea birds would sing their random songs, at one point a group of dolphins also joined in with their own melody.

Wooyoung laid flat on the sand, his hands tracing random patterns in the grains. His eyes remained closed, chest rising and falling in an even pattern. Sleep was the last thing on his mind though, this was simply him feeling an unfamiliar sense of calm. Relaxing was a foreign concept to him, even back on the ship, in his old life, while he'd have moments of not doing anything, there would always be something on his mind preventing him from being like those he'd surround himself with.

It's been a few days since Wooyoung became immune to the siren's spell, yet this was only his second time being on this beach. San, while he promised to bring Wooyoung back up here, couldn't fulfill his end of the deal due to almost nonstop storms. Now, it was just calm, like there weren't winds and rains that frightened Wooyoung, the only evidence remaining were some washed up shells on the shore, and some sticks and leaves that came from up on the hill.

Numerous clinks and clanks filled Wooyoung's ear, causing him to jump a little. He opened his right eye, the side the noise came from, lifting an arm to block out the sunlight so he could see better.

Wooyoung snorted, seeing that San had quite the pile of shells and rocks that he'd just stacked beside him. All this time, which was a while since Wooyoung's clothes and hair were completely dry, San had left him alone. He wandered the beach, obviously collecting pretty treasures.

"You proud of yourself?" Wooyoung chuckled, rather playful with his words.

"Yup." San smiled cheekily, sitting beside Wooyoung, ensuring he wasn't casting a shadow on him.

"Did you have to make so much noise?" Wooyoung muttered, keeping the same tone to his voice, only it lowered slightly.

"I was making sure you weren't dead." San returned playfully, yet those words were meaningful as well.

Wooyoung hummed, dropping his arm back to his side, closing his eye again.

Things were...complicated between the human and the siren. But they were making the best of it. Genuinely. They both were putting in the effort to understand the other as best as they could. Sure, there were still plenty of rough patches, they learned to separate though when things got heated. Or...separate as best as they could in the confinement of the cave.

To say the least, Wooyoung really appreciated being able to think for himself. He could sort out his emotions, and while they confused him, he knew his current to follow. They worked out some compromises so they would both feel more comfortable as well. There of course was still plenty to learn, but in that retrospect, they'll work it out one day at a time.

"Do you think Yunho is avoiding you?" Wooyoung posed his current thought aloud, realizing he hasn't seen the merman since the whole sea witch situation.

"Probably." San chuckled as he started sorting through all of his shells and shiny rocks, even if they'd all go back in his kelp bag when they return to the cave. "I doubt he wants to explain the whole human companion thing."

Wooyoung squinted his eyes open, craning his neck so he could look to the siren, silently watching him move hastily but with great care.

"Look at this..." San said in excitement, keeping his voice level as to not startle his human. He turned to the side, surprised to see Wooyoung already looking at him. Still, he presented a beautiful shell in perfect condition, the outside dusted white, while the shiny interior seemed to be some shade of purple. "I don't find many like this around here. But they're my favorite."

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