10: Our New Life

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Harsh sunlight bore down on cobbled streets and wooden roofs, long pieces of fabric over market stalls provided shade and of course the several dozen people out and about in this heat. Bells chimed from the harbor, the bustle of the morning market just a few streets over.

Wooyoung's eyes searched around the town, all of the houses and buildings that seemed to be familiar architect to places he's visited before. He was excited as he was nervous to be in this unknown place, but one thing he was sure of, no one cared that he was a pirate. In fact, this place seemed to accept pirate ships into its ports, it was such a small town that didn't display any royal flags, and pirates just like any other sailors meant trades and business.

San followed behind Wooyoung, clearly more hesitant and keeping his head held low. Sweat dripped down his face, but it was a sacrifice that needed to happen. Yunho obtained a beautiful dark cloak, which San now adorned, the hood pulled up over his head. It kept him hidden for the most part from human view, which is what he was trying to go for. He didn't want to put these random people under his spell unless if it was truly necessary.

Cutting through a few shaded alleyways, Wooyoung was happy to find the market, filled with many vendors selling things from foods to weapons. Except he didn't step out from the shadows, taking to leaning against the nearby cobbled wall, watching the humans all interact with one another.

"I brought some of my least favorite treasures." San muttered, leaning his shoulder against the opposite wall, watching Wooyoung whose eyes didn't leave the busy central square. "If you want anything, we will likely be able to get it legitimately."

Wooyoung hummed, nodding his head. He tore his gaze from all of the people, looking to San only to smile.

"It doesn't look like there's anything I'm interested in." Wooyoung chuckled, pushing himself off the wall to approach the siren. "Let's just keep exploring."

San pouted, reaching out to Wooyoung's waist before his precious could walk away. Wooyoung sighed, feeling himself being pulled backwards and against the siren into a mock sort of hug.

"What?" Wooyoung questioned, tilting his head back so he could look at San's pouty features.

"My legs hurt." San whined, cheekily looking into Wooyoung's eyes, unable to hide that he wasn't entirely serious.

"We've hardly been walking around for an hour." Wooyoung said in annoyance, shaking out of San's hold, facing him completely while crossing his arms over his chest. "You aren't allowed to complain after what I went through getting out of the water."

San frowned, the memory striking him like lightning. Thankfully Yunho had shown them where he would get out of the water and wait for his tail to turn into his legs. It was also where he kept his stash of items that allowed him to blend in better when in town.

The isolation of that small area was good since when Wooyoung got out of the water, he was in so much visible pain, having to bite his own arm to the point it bled to keep himself from screaming like he was being murdered. It went on for long, agonizing minutes, San's tail having long transformed into his legs, and all he could do was run his hand up and down Wooyoung's back in reassurance.

The sea witch was right, because it was like this every time he got in and out of the water. But, it was still worth it to Wooyoung, even if he felt like he was dying.

Wooyoung hummed, eyes brightening as he thought of an idea.

"Hey, where's that bookstore you found? Or...where'd you get my book?" Wooyoung asked excitedly, trying to hide the fact he brought up unwanted thoughts in the both of them.

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