04: Human Things

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It was very unclear how much time had passed, but Wooyoung was tired of watching the siren go through his belongings. He was physically tired as well, sitting upright for however long really sucking out any energy he had gained. Not a word has been said, nor was Wooyoung's presence given any acknowledgement.

Letting out a shallow breath, Wooyoung turned to look over his shoulder, looking around the cave through the dimmed bioluminescent light. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed how the water from the arched pool seemed rougher than normal.

A squeak bounced around the rock walls, Wooyoung turning back around at lightning speed, heart immediately speeding up. San had tapped his knee, head tilted to the side as he stared at the human. As per normal it seemed, a smirk formed on his tempting lips.

"What are you looking for Wooyoung?" San questioned softly, keeping his eyes on the mentioned as a hand went out to the side, reactivating some of the moss to bring more light to the darkened space.

Wooyoung felt like his voice was caught in his chest, unable to speak. Yet the longer he went without speaking the more dangerous things he felt, even if the siren's eyes remained their brown. He couldn't look away either, completely trapped.

"I wanted to sit somewhere else." Wooyoung said very slowly, fear ridden eyes and still shoulders the most evident aspects about him.

San let out a long hum, in some sense coming off tauntingly.

"Do I bore you?" San asked, turning away to observe his sorted out collections.

Wooyoung bit his tongue, trying to think of the right way to answer that without getting him in trouble.

San laughed the second he glanced over at the human, upset and confused at the prolonged silence.

"From that face, I'll take that as a yes." San continued to chuckle, turning completely and tilted his head the other way. His features faltered when he got a true, good look at Wooyoung. "I'll take it you were also afraid to move or say something, my precious little human. I thought I expressed that if you need something, you say it."

Wooyoung scoffed, forcing his vision downward, only for his head to be caught by the siren's hand, keeping their eyes locked.

"It's not that easy." Wooyoung sneered, voice a little strange seeing as his cheeks were being pressed rather tightly. "If you haven't realized by now, I'm fucking scared of you."

The siren's hand dropped from Wooyoung's face, features resembling a sense of astonishment. Wooyoung focused on breathing, his upper chest straining from the effect the siren had on him. He had to admit though, he was confused by San's reaction.

Did he seriously not realize?

"Go...go sit wherever it was you wanted." San spoke dismissively, almost under his breath. He began turning his back to the human, multilayered voice still prompting Wooyoung to listen. "Be careful of the rocks, if they look shiny, don't step on them."

Hesitantly, Wooyoung let out a short hum, scooting away slowly to ensure this wasn't a trap. When San kept his back to him, Wooyoung took that as a weird sign that he was serious. So very cautiously, Wooyoung uncrossed his legs, putting himself in a crouch, then stood on his weak legs.

His hand went flying out to the wall for support, most certainly not wanting to fall again, and definitely not on any of the siren's possessions. He held his breath as he pulled his hand away from the rocks, keeping it hovering over the surface as he moved, but trying not to completely rely on it.

He wanted to make use of his legs, keep them as strong as he could, and he couldn't do that if he was constantly needing support to move around.

There was one spot Wooyoung wanted to sit. Towards the central wall of the cave was a small crevice, somewhat near one of the places he'd been placed before. The ground was covered in moss and algae, which was somewhat uncomfortable to sit on, but not nearly as uncomfortable as the solid rock itself. Plus, this little spot allowed him to slightly tuck in on himself, pressing his back into one side of the rock, knees bending comfortably when his feet pressed against the opposite side. He leaned his head against the corner of the crevice, and the main rock itself.

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