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Did any of you noticed or knew that they've got oxygen cylinders at the back of the planes? Well, most people didn't but Amanda had to know everything to make sure every breath Flora took was safe. Like when Flora emotionally blackmailed her parents into returning back to LA for Mr.Miyagi's funeral. Of course it wasn't safe for her but she wasn't going to stay in Bloomsbury and be babysitted by Jessica while the rest of the family got to say goodbye to him. She was not even 8 yet then but she knew he was dead and she had to see him, she had to see her grandfather. That's how Flora was, she was fearless when it came to love. 

That was when she flew back across the ocean for the first time after moving to Europe at the age of 5 months and a few days. 

Maybe she shouldn't have, cause just before landing every breath she took was painful and they had to put her on oxygen support at the maximum level. 

And now Amanda was researching something for Flora again. And honestly it was the weirdest thing, and most parents don't research it but then again most parents don't research for airline medical support either. Anyhow, Amanda was looking for is it safe for someone cured from S.C.I.D to be kissing.....After Amanda had seen her daughter bonding with Miguel and Demetri so quickly she realized that Flora's going to be spending so much time with kids her age and attraction is only natural.


Since Flora never went to an actual school, she spent a lot of time doing things and learning things that can be done under isolation. 

Painting was one of them, and then came swimming. She was actually really good at swimming, she felt like a part of the water when she was in the pool.

She was also pretty good at driving. And now she was driving Daniel and Sam to the Miyagi-Do dojo.

Daniel was sitting in the backseat while Sam took on the passenger seat. The two were filling Flora up with whatever happened the last few months. And well....their side of the story was kind of confusing and self-sided.

" So that's all." Sam sighed, as she finished telling her everything. 

" So karate people are popular here?" Flora asked, like it's the most unreal thing she has ever heard, " Not basketball or rugby boys?" She let out a deep breath, " That changes everything I knew about an American highschool life."

" Wait." Daniel frowned, " That's your main concern? "

" No actually. " Flora said, making a turn, " I still can't believe how Mr.Lawrence's cool with you. I mean you moved in on his girl!" She exclaimed, " If you moved in on my non-existing girl but still-my-girl I'd at least sue your company...." She trailed off and then frowned, "oh no, you moving in on my girl sounds inappropriate."

" You're taking Johnny's side? " Daniel asked in disbelief, " He and Ali were broken up. And anyway we are past that. "

" So are you not interested in anything else?" Sam asked.

" Yes, I'd very much love to attend the school Octopas dude was kicked off the stairs of." Flora informed, " When are you enrolling me in?" She asked for Daniel. 

" Soon." Daniel muttered, definitely not soon

" And when is this said soon?" She asked as they almost reached Miyagi-Do, " One week, two weeks, three weeks?"

" Soon is...when it's not dangerous anymore. " Daniel announced firmly.

"Jeez.. You make it sound like the the government's looking for me." Flora snorted a laughter.

" I should have just taken an uber." Sam mumbled sinking into the seat and regretting every life decision she has ever made.


Hawk has never been to Miyagi-Do without the purpose of destroying it so he felt a little weird and awkward at the fact that he'd be doing karate there. But more he felt guilty. He was angry and taking out his anger on others felt so fair back then until he was left alone with friends that were the cause of his anger.

The dojo was beautiful from the outside. He waited for the other Eagle Fangs and Sensei Lawrence as he was the first one to reach.

The place was peaceful and vibrant with colours.

" Are you going to start crying now, Big Birdie?" A voice asked in wonder and he would know that half English half American accent anywhere or was that the stupid nickname?

" No?" He snapped his head Flora's way as she stepped out of one of Mr.Miyagi's vintage cars' backseat. She was wearing a 'Master of puppets' t-shirt which was way too big for her, that was tucked into a pair of acid washed baggy jeans,  and she had big sunglasses on that covered half her face. And not regular sunglasses but anyone could tell those were Chanel glasses. 

" Singing then?" She asked looking around. And her voice wasn't sarcastic or anything, she sounded serious. 

Hawk rolled his eyes at her, " No." Okay here it was....Miyagi-Do was a beautiful place just from the outside and  all the wrongs he did in the past made him feel somehow so overwhelmed at the moment. He looked at the sky blue wooden fence and then the vintage cars. Beautiful and.....

" Are you sure you're not going to sing?" Flora interrupted his thoughts again as he shut his eyes for a second feeling annoyed. 

He sighed and tried to change the topic, " How are you supposed to do karate wearing that?" He pointed at her up and down.

" Karate? Nah, not for me." She shook her head looking down with an elegant smile. If she was not wearing those glasses maybe the sadness in her eyes would have been caught. She was cured, they said, and yet she was being treated delicately. 

" So you're a Metallica fan or something?" Hawk asked looking at her shirt. 

" This?" She looked down at her shirt, " I just thought it looked cool, nothing personal. " 

" Hey Hawk! Stop flirting with the blonde babe and get your ass moving. " Suddenly a blonde man had arrived with Miguel and the other Eagle Fang's behind him and Flora immediately recognised him, Of-course she did. Daniel had described Johnny-the villain of Flora's bedtime story- so perfectly. 

" Yes,  Sensei." Hawk stammered as Flora raised an eyebrow at him, " I-I wasn't flirting, Sensei. "

" I don't care, get moving. " Johnny said before he made his way into the dojo and Miguel followed right behind him, after sending a small smile and tiny wave at Flora which she returned. 

Hawk was following them in from the back but he heard what Flora said, " You look awful by the way. Red hair looks stupid with gray hoodie. Or maybe red is just not your color."


𝙃𝙚𝙧 𝙍𝙤𝙮𝙖𝙡 𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨- 𝙀𝙡𝙞 𝙈𝙤𝙨𝙠𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙯/ 𝙃𝙖𝙬𝙠Where stories live. Discover now