Chapter 36

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"You've got a red stain, Jess

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"You've got a red stain, Jess."

I hasten to sit back down. Dani is right. As the situation wasn't tense enough already, my period decided to show up. Here, in this little cell at the police station. Yes, here we are. I'm going to rot here, between the damp stains on the ceilings and the iron bars.

"They could have taken us somewhere cleaner," grumbles Charly. "I'm going to get an infection!"

I don't dare answer. These are literally the first words he's said since our arrest. He's sworn not to speak to me again until the end of time. And while that may sound like a dramatic reaction, he's quite capable of it! I don't want to strain his nerves any further and, more importantly, I've got other things to worry about. More worries!

The guard outside our cell has lit a cigarette and the smell of his smoke tickles my nostrils. Just what I need: a good puff! A dose of nicotine to forget this evening.

But I doubt it's that simple. I've managed to end up in prison, my best friend hates me and my sister's gone missing. Well, no, technically. She was taken to hospital to get rid of the capsules and she was right: one of them had opened. It's a good thing she was taken care of in time.

I know that with everything that's happened, I should hate her. Believe me, I'm angry, but I'm also worried about her. I don't want her to pay with her life. Jena doesn't sit still and pulls one stupid stunt after another, but she's not a bad girl. I know my little sister and when I see what she's become...what that little five-year-old girl has become...I want to burst into tears.

Because deep down, if she's turned out badly, it's because I didn't look after her properly. I didn't do my job as a big sister and she's paying the price. I've been supposed to keep this family together since my father died and yet I can't. It's getting worse and worse. It's even getting worse! I've hit rock bottom and the only one who can cheer me up is going to kill me when he finds out. That's why I've decided not to call him. I've had enough problems tonight.

I asked to call the French embassy. They asked us to wait and promised to come back soon. But we've been waiting for two hours! And when I finally see a man in uniform, he allows himself to walk nonchalantly.

It's urgent, he could hurry up. I need an interpreter and help. Because only emergency doctors knew how to speak French. Since then, the wheel has turned. I didn't even understand the rights I was told. And I understand even less the jargon this policeman is spouting through the bars. Fortunately, Charly finally stops sulking and walks over to us. They exchange a few words and a strange expression appears on his face.

"What?" I panic. "Is that Jena?"

He raises his eyebrows.

"If you mention her again, I'll..."

But he pulls himself together, taking deep breaths.

"He's got the phone for the call, but it won't be necessary. Someone's bailed us out and dropped the charges."

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