Chapter 40

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She responds to my hug

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She responds to my hug. Angel is lucky to have such a kind and gentle mother. You can tell she's the kind of person you can count on. She's so attentive and her touch so pleasant, I hug her for long minutes. I don't want to move, just stay there for a while. I feel her hand caressing my back and I could almost cry.

"Listen, there's a reason you ended up in Italy, even though you were drunk," she begins. "You could have gone anywhere, but you came here. Our hearts speak louder after two magaritas."

I smile against her skin.

"You don't have to tell me. But you should tell him. Punishment won't comfort him...your words will! That's the best advice I can give you."

"But I'm not good with words."

"Nobody is!"

She takes me by the shoulders and forces me to face her. Then she smiles at me, sadly. Although she tries to keep a neutral face and hide her emotions. She reminds me so much of Angel in the way she talks, keeps everything bottled up inside her and knows how to reassure me.

They must know I need it a hell of a lot. Because, as hard as it is for me to admit it, I have hard times too. I have moments of weakness, when it's hard to stay strong and keep my head on straight. Just like everyone else. But my family is so used to seeing me strong that they don't see my wounds. They don't see those eyes turning red...those cheeks filling with tears and that heart breaking.

But when I'm with Angel, I feel like I'm getting a break. To finally breathe. I feel free, happy and...wanted. I feel good and in my place.

"I need him. I've never felt like this with anyone before."

We're not so shy anymore. I want to shout to the world that I belong to this man, if it'll keep him close. I want those dark irises constantly on my body.

"Tell him how it comes to you," she concludes. "Go for it!"

"Now? But he has to sleep."

She releases my shoulders and checks her watch.

"It's 3 o'clock. He's awake!"

"How do you know?"

"He always gets up to pour himself a glass of water. Then he takes a good half-hour to go back to sleep. That boy is like clockwork!"

She knows him so well, it's funny.

"Run!" -She motivates me.

But I'm not as optimistic as she is.

"What if he won't talk to me?"

"He will! His heart knows what he wants and, unlike you, he listens to it."

I smile, a little more reassured.

"Tell me, Sophia, why did you agree to help me?"

"I like you," she answers without the slightest hesitation. "You make him smile."

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