Tamaki Amajiki

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Tamaki Amajiki x FemReader | pronouns used: she/her

Includes: riding, praise kink, overstimulation, oral, unprotected sex, rough sex, mommy kink

A/n: i wrote this on ao3 but decided to post it here as well. i was a bit shocked to see that this oneshot reached over 2000 characters

Created: 1/24/23

Recently, Tamaki has been finding things around the apartment he shared with his girlfriend, Y/n

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Recently, Tamaki has been finding things around the apartment he shared with his girlfriend, Y/n. A box of condoms was the most recent thing he found. It was unopened and looked new. He also saw a tab on Y/n's computer a few days ago that read "How do i ask my boyfriend if we can go further during our private time?" Tamaki found it cute, but also a little embarrassing since he didn't know much about sex.

"What do I do, Mirio? I don't want to disappoint Y/n if I end up being bad at it.." Tamaki sighed.

"Honestly, just ask her to teach you. She probably knows what she likes so she can tell you what works best." Mirio said as he sipped on his coffee.

The two had met up at their favorite cafe because Tamaki sent Mirio a text that read "Please help I'm panicking." Which had sent Mirio into a panic until he realized Tamaki was just scared about sex.

"But that sounds sooo embarrassing.." Tamaki frowned, hiding his face in his hands.

Mirio sighed. "Tamaki, I get that it sounds embarrassing but it's the best way to talk to Y/n about it. If you don't she'll just assume that you don't want to do it with her and stop trying to hint and it and give up. You do wanna have sex with her, right?"

Tamaki nodded. "But she's like a goddess and I'm some loser. I don't even know how she likes me.. What if I screw it all up and she makes fun of me for being bad at sex?" Tamaki groaned.

"Do you think Y/n would ever make fun of you for that? Our sweet little Y/n? Who always made sure her friends were happy?" Mirio asked.

"No.. She's too sweet to do that.." Tamaki sighed. "I'm just scared she'll be disappointed in my lack of skills."

"Man, she probably knows that you've never done it before. Did you forget that she was your first kiss?" Mirio asked. "And plus, you should do alright as long as you listen to what she has to say."

Tamaki nodded. "Yeah.. You're right. I can do it. I'll bring it up when she gets home from work." Tamaki said.


It had been a few hours and Tamaki was mentally practicing the conversation he was going to have Y/n. He hoped it would go alright, but who knows, it could always go to shit. "Oh god, what if she wasn't hinting? What if she hates me for mentioning it?" Tamaki muttered under his breath before he could feel his chest starting to feel heavy.

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