𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐲/𝐧

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sitting inside the empty mansion, the youngest of the haitani siblings sighed as she opened another magazine beside her.

this was one of the days where her brothers would leave her to attend in one of the meetings- or go do some crime, she really doesn't care.

however, she does care whenever one of her brothers would go home looking all battered and bruised, blood on their clothing as well. she knows that it isn't theirs so she's not too worried.

y/n is confident at her brother's strength and powers- but that doesn't stop her from dotting them every now and then.

she looked at the clock behind her, noticing that it was already 10 in the evening.

closing the magazine, she wandered off to the kitchen to raid the refrigerator for any snacks that she can munch on while she waits for her brothers.

"damn, no dorayaki left?" she grumbled, proceeding to take out strawberries and cream instead to make herself some quick strawberries and cream sandwich.

y/n wondered if she can stay up late enough to see her brothers talk about their plans for saturday.

you see, our lovely mc is turning twenty this week, and it is important for the haitani siblings to be there together to plan for the party.

since she's going to be twenty, her brothers agreed to hold the event in a ballroom- to celebrate her on finally being an adult.

she sat on a random high chair close to her, munching on her snack as she twirled her strawberry locks on her one hand.

y/n always fantasized about meeting her soulmate since she was a kid- but now that she was an adult, her hopes slowly crumbled.

it's not like she lost it completely, since the once blond lock on her hair turned to strawberry pink- signifying that her soulmate is still indeed alive.

"just who are you?"

she admired the piece of hair for a bit, before jumping in shock when the front door slammed open, notifying her that her brothers were already home.

y/n got up and immediately ran to the foyer where she was greeted by her two brothers and a bloodied-up man that was held by rindou.

"look what we got for you." he grinned, throwing the man in front of her as he squirmed for help.

she immediately recognized this man to be her ex, the one who cheated on her with one of the prostitutes who worked in her brother's club.

his mouth was taped up, eyes busted as he tried pleading for her help.

y/n just stared at him, giving him a look as if he was one of the dirtiest things she's seen in her entire life.

"what's this doing here?" she asked, going up to her brothers and hugging them as a greeting.

"saw the fucker in my club. of course, we needed to teach him a lesson for hurting our little princess." ran said, removing his bloodied gloves as he pushed the sleeves of his dress shirt up.

"we already took care of the bitch. now it's his turn." rindou grinned, making y/n clap like this was some kids' show.

"you didn't have to do this!" ignoring her protests, her brothers merely patted her head as rindou dragged her ex to the parlor where they proceeded to beat him up.

y/n grimaced at the sight. it's not that she isn't used to scenes like this, but the blood of this pig was staining the carpet that she'd bought just recently.

"you guys- we have a basement you know." she sighed, watching as ran cocked his gun and pointed the barrel to her ex, the sight of the firearm making him squirm in fright.

"too tired to go there." was all he said before pulling the trigger, shooting the male in the legs. they can hear his silent pleas for help- but none budged as they watched in amusement how he looked at each of them for mercy.

rindou gave y/n a loaded gun, motioning at the guy who was close to passing out.

"think of this as our early birthday gift to you."

y/n didn't need to be told twice, cocking the glock and firing at his head- killing the wretched pig at once.

her brothers had proud smiles on their faces as they watched their little princess firing at the already dead corpse repeatedly until the firearm was already out of bullets.

the sight in front of them was bloody and messy, but no one cared as the two approached the girl who was breathing heavily.

"you ruined your favorite carpet, y/n." ran wiped the blood off her face as she snapped out of her trance. indeed, her carpet was now stained with blood and had holes from her firing the bullets.

she visibly frowned, making rindou laugh at her as he took the gun from her- wrapping it in his handkerchief and tucking it in his coat.

"we'll buy another one."

"but that was from france. i'm not traveling again just for some carpet."

the older haitani siblings sighed as they began rolling up the carpet along with the body. y/n took the cleaning materials from the nearby cabinet as she began wiping the surfaces of the tables and the walls.

they cleaned up the scene in no time, making it look like nothing happened- unless you look down and see the bullet holes, it passes their standards of normal.

the siblings were now lounging on the couch, not bothering to change rooms nor their bloodied clothes as they looked through magazines.

"you should invite your boss and co-workers to my party." y/n said, not looking up from the catalogs as her brothers looked at her curiously.

"why?" ran asked. he was currently on his laptop looking at the most expensive and extravagant venue to hold his little sister's birthday.

"do we have to?" rindou groaned, throwing his phone away.

the two of them had dull blonde and brown colors in their hair- they too have yet to meet their own soulmates.

"just because. i think it'd be fun having to finally see who you guys are working with."

ran thought for a moment, before grabbing his phone to make his calls.

"i'll see what i can do." and with that, he left the parlor and made his calls whilst going to the bar for some drinks.

"we should totally get a fondue fountain this time."

"oh my god and let's chug it."

the three may still be soulmate-less, but that doesn't bother them one bit. unlike y/n, the two older siblings could care less about their partners. because they believe that blood is thicker than whoever bitch may be their soulmate.

and as long as their sister is safe, they're satisfied as it is.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝. - 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐨 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now