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"you're not joining your brothers inside?"

sanzu stepped out to the balcony, raising his brows at the (h/c) haired girl who was busy daydreaming about whatever.

y/n hummed as she looked at him from behind, smiling at him and motioning for him to join her.

"i couldn't follow along with their topics so i decided to take a breather." sanzu leaned beside her, observing her as she gazed at the stars.

"how about you? you're an executive as well right?" she didn't look away from the stars as sanzu stepped closer to her, looking at the section of pink hair on her head.

"i'll just have koko tell me everything later."

comfortable silenced enveloped the two. sanzu having to sneak glances at the girl as she closed her eyes and sighed with a smile on her face.

he took out his cigarettes and offered one to her, y/n refusing as she turned to look at him.

the man rose his brows at her again, but shrugged and kept the rest of his nicotine as he lit one up.

"y'know, you're like a different person from before." he commented, making her look at him in accusation.

"what was that suppose to mean?"

"a while ago you were all psycho. killing that man with no hesitation- you even got that smile on your face when you did it." he pinched her cheeks, making her blush as she attempted to bite his hand.

"hey-! just because i liked killing those pigs doesn't mean i do other illegal stuff okay?" sanzu gave her an unamused stare as his eyes locked onto her hair.

"so, we're soulmates huh?" he began, twirling her hair in between his fingers as y/n took the cigarette from him and puffing out smoke.

"seems like it." she gave him another one of her smiles that made his heart speed up.

he really doesn't know what to do- the concept of having soulmates never really crossed his mind until he was in his early twenties.


"haruchiyo, or haru."

y/n looked at him in amusement for a moment, before turning into a look of adoration as it was her turn to pinch his cheeks.

"let's go out tomorrow?" she proposed, taking her hand off his cheeks as he playfully glared at her.


y/n stood in front of a random cafe as she waited for sanzu

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y/n stood in front of a random cafe as she waited for sanzu. she was all prepped and dressed for the occasion.

she didn't put any effort into her clothing- simple cargo pants, a tube top and boots.

her brothers find it convenient for her to wear something where she can fight easily in just in case someone decided to approach her or kidnap her.

she knew her brothers meant well, and she respected that. but when they tried to sneak a gun into her bag? that's where she needed to draw the line.

people walked by her table as she scrolled through her phone, still waiting for sanzu. it wasn't her fault she got here an hour early- if she didn't then ran would definitely find a way to sneak weapons into her bag.

y/n minded her own business- just looking through her friend's posts and also some online shopping for her outfit on saturday.

suddenly, a honk of a car was heard as she looked up.

a bright red ferrari stopped right beside her as the window rolled down- showing a very unfamiliar man who looked too high to be driving.

"hey pretty lady~ neat ride i've got right?"

she visibly cringed. in all her life with her brothers- she had definitely seen some cars much better than the classic old school red ferrari.

y/n gave him a fake smile as she went back on her phone. her ignorance made the man inside the car honk even more- not only to catch her attention, but he also successfully caught the attention of the by-passers.

"hey! come 'n get in the car sweet cheeks i promise to give you a good time-" suddenly, a gun was pointed in his face as a pink-haired man with frosty blue eyes glared at him.

sanzu finally arrived.

he was expecting to see his partner to be patiently waiting for him with no complications- but seeing that a nasty bitch was trying to get her, he just had to butt in.

sanzu was leaning beside the passenger side door, making it seem like he was having a casual talk with the driver.

when in reality, he had a revolver pointed at his face as he tauntingly caressed the trigger.

"now what do we have here?" he gave him a grin, his scars adding to the threat as he lazily looked at the driver who looked like he just peed his pants.

y/n, who was now walking up to them, looked through the window and waved at the driver.

"haru, this driver told me that i'd have a great time if i get in his car." she mockingly pointed at the poor man with a grin, pouting as she looked at sanzu.

"this pig wanted me to get into his nasty ass car." sneering, sanzu opened the door to the car and got in- still pointing the gun at the man.

"baby please be a dear and get in the backseat. we're going to have a detour before our date." he said, making y/n get into the car and leaned forward.

"where we goin'?"

"get out of my ca-!" y/n placed a hand on his mouth as she put a finger to her lips, signaling him to shut up.

"oi pig, drive." sanzu instructed, having to point the gun on the poor man's lower region to not be suspected by the outside world.

the driver, who is now more than sober, recognized sanzu and immediately drove away, having to follow his instructions as to where to go.

"haruchiyo, are you going to kill this man?" y/n stated, looking out the window bored out of her mind as the car stopped in front of an abandoned warehouse.

sanzu leaned back to smile at her, before making the driver leave the car.

"you've read my mind sweetheart. now get out of the car and watch okay?" his demeanor suddenly changed as he made the driver walk inside the warehouse, y/n following behind him.

"now, what did you just say to y/n?" his voice sent shivers down his spine, eyes going to y/n who only looked at the scene with curious eyes.

"i-i told her that we-" the poor man didn't get to finish his sentence when sanzu pulled the trigger, successfully killing him in one shot.

the strawberry head sighed as he walked back to y/n, who pinched him on the cheeks.

"this wasn't my ideal first date- but it's nice seeing people in pain." sanzu wrapped his arm around her waist as he guided her back to the car the man once owned. thankfully the keys were still there so they didn't need to inspect the body for it.

"i don't really mind. i look at this as a great bonding activity."

the two got in the car as sanzu drove them to their first destination. after spending thirty minutes dealing with the pig, he decided to drive them to a restaurant.

"i'm glad we have something to agree on."

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