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-24 Hours Earlier-

-Jacob's Pov-

Me and my friends are standing around trying to figure out what to do

Jh-we could go to prison!!

Jj-we aren't going man we didnt do shit!!

Jd-just calm down!!

Im pacing around trying to figure out how and who could do this

But then there was a knock at the door

We all looked at each other and Jojo went to peak in the window

Jj-its 12 man

There was a knock at the door and i didnt want to answer but we are innocent so i went to the door and they asked who i was

Jd-Im Jacob Day

Police-Its them!

Police2-get them!

Next thing i know we are being locked up being put in a car and everyone is recording

I can't believe this, where did we go wrong.....


We are at this party and We are dancing our night away

Me and the boys having bitches all on us

Jhope is flirting snd Jojo is literally fucking a girl in front of everyone but apparently he doesnt care

While i am tonguing down a girl making her drink my shot i took

After a while us boys went over to the bar and we was chatting it up and then all of sudden the lights went out

Then they came back on and then a girl started screaming and pointing we went to see what it was and it was a dead body we was at and she was stabbed some many times

Jj-oh hell nahh we need to go

As everyone was running trying to leave we got pushed and we fell in the blood

Jh-Fuck man!!

Jd-Lets go!!!

We then heard the cops coming and we took off running

We turned a corner and the cops car pulled up and we ran the other way


Once we mad it back home and we locked all the doors and then we got clean and we stayed in the living room

Jj-we need an alibi

Jh-we could say that we was here all night

Jd-yea thats the only thing we can say


-Y/n's Pov-

I am getting ready for work and this is what im wearing

I got in my car and i went over to my prison where i am the warden

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I got in my car and i went over to my prison where i am the warden


Once i got there i went in my office and put my purse down and i went to go see my inmates

I went to the first block and there were my two girls that give me the hardest problem

Y-Jackie and Miriam


Y-why do i have to hear that yall got into a fight

M-well the girl had it coming she was tal-

Y-i didnt ask for a story...now unless you want you sentence longer than it has to be i advice yall to get yall shit together....AINT NO FIGHTING IN MY FUCKING PRISON!!! Do I make myself clear?!


She said it lowly and Jackie didnt say it at all

Y-I said-

I pushed them against the wall choking them

Y-i said do i make myself clear?!

M&Jack-Yes Ma'am

Y-good...now do your jobs

I walked away and going to go see my other jail birds



Police 1- who killed that girl?

Random-i dont know but i know who she was with

Police 2-who?

Random-Jacob Day...Jordan...and Jhope

Police 1-are they friends?

Random-they are best friends and they live together they was fighting over her and she wanted them all but they didnt want to share and they surely didnt want to fight over her

Police 2- how do you know about this

Random-Because im their ex

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