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-Jacob's Pov-

We were in our cell talking about lawyers when our cell opened and it was Y/n

Y-102 103 and 104 come with me

J-where are we going

Y-just come

She grabbed us and we followed her outside until we got to another type of prison

She opened the door and it was other girls there

Y-you three will be in here for the rest of the day until mornings as a punishment from your actions today

Jj-we didn't do anything

Y-that's what they all say

She pushed us in and she closed the door and we turned around and it was the girls from the other day

-Jhope's Pov-

This warden is crazy and now we are here in i think isolation for what I don't know


??-this guys are cute


Jh-let's just sit over here

We sat down and two of those girls came and sat with us

Talking to us and one girl was feeling on me and I moved her hand not wanting to be bothered

Jh-can you not?

?-why would you want me to stop if you haven't touched a girl since you got here

That's what you think...funny

Jh-I don't want to be bothered right

?-why not-

???-why won't y'all leave these men alone

?-this doesn't concern you Psych

M-it concerns me a lot I have to sit in here and watch this shit y'all bitches make me sick

The girl got up and she grabbed the girls and body slammed them away from us and the other girl looked at the girls that wanted us and they didn't move an inch

M-I'm Psych but my real name is Miriam

Jh-Jhope that's Jacob and that Jordan

M-that's my friend Jackie but in here her name is Eyes

Jj-I see why...your eyes are beautiful

Jack-thank you

J-thanks for that

M-no problem


-Jordan's Pov-

It's the next morning the door opened and I seen Miriam and Jackie sleeping in front of those girls as if she was protecting us

Y-102 103 and 104

We stood up and we seen her she looked good...why do she have to be the warden

-Y/n's Pov-

I took the boys to my chambers and I put them on their knees

Now I hope you boys learned your lesson

J-yes we did

Y-good but today you three are going to be doing hard labor...

I smiled at them telling them to get up and take their clothes off

I went over to 104 first and I got on my knees and immediately put his dick in my mouth and I got him real hard in a instant and I put a cock ring on his dick

Jj-what is this

Y-don't worry about it

I then went to 103 and I looked up at him and he but his lip at me as I put him in my mouth doing a little trick with my tongue and I put a cock ring on him as well

I went over to 102 and he glared at me as if he hated me and that made me pool

I put him in my mouth and he got bigger and he grunted and I almost came without being touched

Once he was rock hard I put a cock ring on him as well

I got off my knees and stood up looking at them

Y-you are no longer exercising inside today you will be outside


-Jacobs Pov-

We are outside working out but it's hard trying to when she cut on the vibration


Its around my cock and it feels good but I'm not trying to


-Jordan's Pov-

I am lifting weights and she cut it on and i almost dropped it but luckily I didn't


She has this cock ring making me go crazy and I'm trying my best not to moan in front of everybody

-Jhope's Pov-

Y/n is crazy she has me exercising while this cock ring is on me


She is one crazy bitch...oh fuck I can feel myself busting any minute

-Y/n's Pov-

I see my dogs going crazy and Miriam is trying to talk to Jacob and Jackie is trying to talk to Jordan and Jhope

It pissed me off so bad m, they are mine no one else's

I cut up the speed to the highest one and they all moaned at the same time falling to their knees and I smiled knowing that they just came

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