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^^Girlfriend aka Bella^^

-Jhope's Pov-

Jacob came in with the same face Jordan had and I have questions on what she did to them

The next I know one of the guards came and they called my name well number

I got up and I walked out and they took me to the examination room

She was on the chair and she told the guards to leave and the closed and I heard the door lock


I went to her and she forcedly put me on my knees

Y-I want you to make me cum~ can you do that for me

Jh-I thought this was an ex-

Y-it is...can you pls make me cum~

I bit my lip at her she was begging me and my dick was loving it

I forcefully grabbed her legs and I opened them getting close to her pussy and I moved her panties to the side and licked her clit and she jerked gasping

I then started to eat her out like she was my last meal

She starts to moan and I inserted two fingers inside of her and she held on to the chair and spit on her pussy going deeper


I stood up still fucking her with my fingers and I choked her with my hand and she looked at me

She continued to moan telling me how good I make her

Jh-cum on my fingers

Y-mm~ yes sir

She clenched around my fingers and I went deeper and I knew she wanted to cum

Since she wants to be so submissive right now I make her want more from me

Jh-play with your clit

She did as I said and she started to scream

Jh-do you want to cause a scene


Jh-then shhh

I kept going until she came and squirted everywhere

She fixed herself I fixed myself and she looked at me

Jh-I'm good

Y-well then you can go back to your cell


I then left out the door and I was escorted back to the cell where I met up with the boys

-Jacob's Pov-

Jhope came back with the same look we had when we came back

Jh-Some examination am I right

He laughed with his arm behind his head and eyes closed

He does that when he be on some fuck shit and trust me I know this he is my best friend

Jj-that is some shit

Jd-yea I know like that can never happen

Jh-ofc you would say that


Jh-you have a whole as girlfriend

Jj-that he cheats on

Jd-and...look that's not the point, point is...we need to figure out who framed us so we can get the hell out of here

Jj-I agree


It's the next day and we are in line getting a phone call and I called my girl

Jd-hey baby
Girlfriend-hey? Are you okay? I heard what happened!
Jd-everything is okay we just gotta figure out a way to prove our innocence...but I want to see you and I miss you
Girlfriend-I can come see you tomorrow
Jd-that's fine...I gotta go but I will see you later

I hung up the phone and I went back to my cell but I was stopped when I heard my name being called

I turned around and it was the warden and she looked very good even tho I hate to admit but she does

I turned around and it was the warden and she looked very good even tho I hate to admit but she does

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Jd-yes Captain

Y-you have a visitor...follow me

Jd-yes ma'am

I followed her and she opened the door and it was my girlfriend

Jd-Bella?! What are doing you here...I thought

I walked to the glass wanting to tough but I could I spoke into the little whole that was given to me

Bella-I wanted to surprise you, when you called I was on my head to see you...are you doing okay-why is she here

Jd-that's the warden

Bella-does she has to be here when you have visitor

Y-I'm pretty sure you want to talk to him about things that supposed to matter and he only has a few minutes so talk quick

Jd-baby the only things that matter is you and me and me getting out of here

Bella-how long do you have?

Jd-3 years

Bella-that's too long

Jd-I kn-*grunts*

I looked down and I seen Y/n on her knees with my dick in her mouth

Y-keep talking~

Bella-baby are you okay?

Jd-y-yea jjust having an hard time adjusting tthats all

I was trying my best not to moan at the feeling I was receiving from y/n lips


Bella-Jacob what are you-

Jd-it's fine...shiit

I soon found myself about to cum and I did making a loud grunt and I looked down and she looked up at me showing me my cum as she swallowed it

I looked up at Bella who looked at me with tears in her eyes

Bella-I want you here with me

Jd-I know baby until next time

Bella-I will visit you everyday, I love you

Jd-I lo-

Y-time to go

Bella was leaving out the door and the mirror when to a one way mirror it does that when no one is in there...that's what I heard

Y-you have been very disobedient and you have to be punished

She grabbed me throwing me towards a guard and he grabbed me

Walking me to my cell and threw me in the cell


The guard locked the door and I turned around to the boys

Jd-what the hell

Jh-I don't know man she is crazy

Jj-never mind all that, I found out that we can go to the library, that way we can find good lawyers to get us out of here and prove our innocence.

Jd-you right about that

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