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-Jordan's Pov-

It has been a day since that girl was killed and since we ran from the police yes that made us look guilty but everyone was running and we didnt want to stay there

Right now we are figuring out what to do and we came up with an alibi

Jd-thats all we got rn

There was a knock at the door and I went to peak at the door and it was the cops

Jacob went to the door and they asked what was his name

After he told them his name they grabbed him and then they grabbed us

Jj-we didnt do it!!

Jh-we didnt do anything!!

Police 1-tell that to the judge...you have the right to remind silent, anything you say or do will be held against you in the court of law......

They put in the back of the cop car and took us away


-Jhope's Pov-

They have us in the interrogation room separately and they asked me questions but i stuck to our alibi

Jh-we was at home watching a movie just chilling

Police 1-just chilling huh? What was the name of the movie yall watch

Jh-Fast n Furious i believe it was the second one but then again there is seven of them...

Police2-we have a witness saying that you and your friends killed that girl

Jh-yea well they are lying

Police 2-then why are you in this video?

He showed a video with me flirting with a girl but you couldn't see who the girl was all you could see was me


Police 1-you can kiss your freedom goodbye


We are sitting in the court room next to each other

Jd-did they show yall a video to

Jj-yea i was fucking but all you could see was my black ass

Jh-yea and me flirting

Jd-yea i was just kissing some girl

Jh-honestly-wwait that girl that died isnt that they same girl we fucked as an one night stand

Jd-oh shit you right but we didnt kill her

Jj-ofc we didnt

The court was starting and the judge sentence us to 3 years in prison

Judge-and unfortunately since the men prison are full yall are going to the Florida Prison where its all girls...and before yall get to happy, yall are going to be watched 24/7 now get out my court room


-Jacob's Pov-

They took us to the prison and its been a long ride but we finally made it

We got out going inside the prison and we was being looked at from all the girls and they walked us into an chamber where it was a chair like a throne

Where a lady was sitting looking at us

They put us on our knees and she came over to us looking down at us

?-Isn't this pleasant....state reasons on being here

Ja-We were framed

?-for what exactly?


?-y'all killed someone...and now that y'all are caught, y'all want to put it on someone else

Jj-we really are innocent

?-yea will I don't believe you...you will be inmate 102 (Jacob) you will inmate 103 (Jhope) and you will be 104 (Jojo)...In this prison you three are the only men here and will be under my supervision for the entire time that you are here so I would want to watch my words and think carefully about things before I do them..so there is no freedom while you here and you three will be my dogs

We looked at her confused not knowing what she meant by that

-Jhope's Pov-

?-Im Y/n but you all will address me as Captain

Jh-what if we refuse

Y-then I will simply make your years here a living hell so I advise y'all to follow my rules and do as I say and I could possibly get you "innocent" boys outta here easily

Jd-What do you mean your dogs

Y-meaning I will have my way with you boys

When I first seen her my first impression on her is that she was sexy as fuck and then she started talking about us being her dogs

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