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-Jhope's Pov-

I am in this room by myself tied up in this chair until the door opens showing Y/n and if I wasn't tied up I would strangle the fuck out of her we was so close until she went and dragged Jacob out the vent

Y-hey puppy

She says coming closing door not bothering to lock it until I heard click...it unlocks itself

Jh-what the fuck do you want with me!

Y-thats not the proper way to greet your captain silly

Jh-oh my fucking goodnes! Let me the fuck out!

Y-you need to learn how to control that anger of yours

She came over and touched my face and I grit my teeth at her

Jh-if I wasn't tied up I would kill you!

Y-making threats are we...hm...what do with you...well first we need to stuff that mouth of yours

She came over to me looking down at me straddling me and i foe their hot pussy throb against my cock thru the towel

She grabbed my face kissing me roughly pulling back

Y-you will atone for your actions!

She slapped me getting up push me back and my head hit the floor

I groaned in pain and she got on top of me looking at me

Y-Im going to teach you a lesson

She then sat on my face telling me to stick my tongue i did as she said

She rode my face moaning pulling on my hair i grunted bc I felt my dick harden bc of her moans

Y-haa~ mmm Hoseok~ im going to cum all over your face~

The way she was saying my name i didnt like when people said my real name but the way she was saying it almost made me cum without even being touched

She came on my face and she got up kissing me licking my face clean

Y-good boy

She left out the door and I laid there stuck on stupid what the fuck just happened

-Jacob's Pov-

I am in this room and the door opened and I thought it was a guard but it was just Y/n and she was by herself

I am tired up and I can't move she came over to me touching on my face

I moved away from her not wanting to be touched by her

She straddled me grabbing my face looking at me titling her head

Y-why are you being like that

Jd-I want you to get the fuck off me!

Y-well that won't do at all...you see 104 if you dont fuck me if i let you go bc I'm tired of fucking without being touched

Jd-what did you say?

Y-I said i going to let you go bc I want to be touched while fucking

Jd-so you fucked my friends while they are tied up

Y-yes and I am tired of it so if you don't fuck me I will kill your girlfriend

She says smiling at me and I looked at her and she looked like she wasnt kidding

Jd-you dont where she is

Y-you wanna bet?

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