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-Jacob's Pov-

Its been a couple of days since she taken us or tried anything and she hasn't been here

I wonder what she is doing, where she going and what she do...not that I care for her or anything

Right now we are working and Y/n isnt in the prison and I am talking to Miriam right now about escaping

J-we tried to escape last time

M-yea I know but something is telling me that y'all have a chance to get out this time...tmr y'all are leaving this place



J-yes ma'am

Y-you have a visitor

She grabbed and took me to the visitor room and Jordan and Jhope was there as well

Jj-who is here?


The door opened and it was a female but I couldn't see who it was until she got in the light but I didn't know who she was

?-hello boys

Jh-who are you?

?-are you serious?!

Jh-no who are you

?-maybe this will jog your memory....*moans* daddy fuck your cock is so big....i like being fucked by three guys like a slut

Jh-we fucked A lot of girls


Jj-you are that one night stand

?-ding ding ding....someone remember, and the name is Sienna

J-why are you here?

Si-well...i had to look at the boys I put in jail

J-you killed that girl

Si-I didnt say that....i just simply told the police that yall fucked her and yall didn't want to share her so y'all killed her

Jj-fucking bitch

J-what the hell do you want?!

Si-nothing...i just want to see y'all rot like I had to

Jj-you want more dick?

Jh-she craving dick....I mean i would to if I was fucked that good

J-not the time Jhope

Jh-my fault...

Si-I just thought I see your faces

The door opened and it Y/n

Y-yall time is up

She took us back to our cell and she locked it looking back at us

J-she hasn't touched us since jhope right?


J-good...hopefully it stay that way, okay and yall meet me in the showers

Jh-when its our turn to shower?




I am just coming back from a visit and I am in my office looking over that girl Miriam

-Jacob's Pov-

We are now in the showers and we wrapped the towel around ourselves

We heard someone come in and i looked and it was Miriam



M-right, there is a rope waiting for y'all when y'all make it

J-what about u

M-ima be alright I only have a year left

I grabbed her wrapping my arms around her and she hugged me back I then whispered in her ear

J-I like you

I kissed her cheek and then i went over to the boys and we decided that jojo was going to up first

Jj-oh wow yeah send the black one first


J-when this happens we just let him have it


As we were going up we was all now in the vent

Jj-holy shit I see the opening


I then felt some one behind me and i looked and it was Y/n

How could she know?!

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