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(The Mother aka Hannah^)

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(The Mother aka Hannah^)

-Jacob's Pov-

Y-tell me where she is?


She sighed pouting

Y-I really do hate when y'all make me do bad things to people...so fun!

She then removed the towel from underneath me

She unclothed herself, she got back on top of me grinding her bare wet pussy against my cock

J-move off-

She grabbed my throat...she is very strong

J-let go!

She smiled as my cock harden

Y-you want me to stop and yet you're cock...is dying to be inside of me

She sat up a little looking at me in the eyes not breaking contact slamming my cock inside of herself

Her mouth flew open telling me how good she feels

Y-mm~ you are so fucking deep you know

Mind you her hands are still choking the shit out of me and my head felt fuzzy

She then let go of my throat and I gasped moaning

J-I fucking hate you~

Y-yeah I know but you know what I hate more...you're stupid girlfriend and her daddy


She then slaps me going harder, she holds her breast putting them in my face

Y-suck on my nipples now!

She held my head in place as I did as she wanted

Soon her legs grew tied and she wanted more

She got up limping to get some chains, she tied my ankles up but she let me get off this chair and freed my arms

J-you know I could kill you?

I say looking down at her as she is laying on her back with her legs open

Y-yeah but how will you get out, how will your friends get out...only I have the key to set all of you out of the rooms yall are in...plus I have my gun....

She pulled that out of i dont know where and she pointed the gun at her pussy

Y-now fuck me~

I grunted looking at her with despair...ima give her what she wants

I forcefully opened her legs more and I shoved myself inside her hard and she gasp smiling at me

Y-HNGH~ fuck me

She pointed her gun at me moaning loudly

Y-102~ fuck me harder

I covered her mouth putting all of my weight on her thrusting harder just like she wants she had tears in her eyes i uncovered her mouth and she was a moaning mess

Y-im cumming im cumming im cumming~

She came squirting everywhere and I was about to pull out but she clung onto me and she moved her bottom half

Y-cum inside of me~

J-what? No way!

Y-do it

She pointed her gun at me moaning and I did as she wanted filling her up to the brim

She removed her legs and I pulled out laying down away from her

After a while she got up fixing herself up leaving...

-Miriam's Pov-

As Y/n had her bodyguards to fuck the shit out of me hurting me

They made me get back to work as I was taking clothes and towels to the wash room

Y/n came out of one her special room limping a little bit

It made me stopped thinking about what could've happened

But then it hit me...no way. They weren't lying..

It made me think about when I first got here and I actually looked up to her and now she is filthy and disgusting

So I called out to her and she turned around looking at me with an annoyance look on her face



M-when I first got here I looked up to you and I admired you but now you are different, I don't know what happened to you but...I don't like it

Y-I could care less what you like, and don't talk to me as if we are friends Inmate...get back to work

I stood there without nothing else to say and she continued to walk away from me

I have to get them away from her...especially Jacob

-The Next Day-

I went to go visit my mom and I am sitting next to her making sure she is okay.

Y-hey ma...the doctor says that you are only getting worse but I know you will get better...I will get back at them for what they did to you, Im almost there...I got him locked away along with friends...so that's a plus for me right? I got his girlfriend address so I can get her and get to her dad and make him pay for he did to us...we could've been happy but he wanted to destroy us. They took away my unborn baby, my husband...but I won't let them take u away from me...I promise you that ma.

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