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The lecture hall was empty. Silent aside from the sound of heavy breathing from Jimin as his professor inched closer and closer toward him.

"Oh, Jimin. You've really disappointed me," Yoongi spoke, his voice low and raspy, soft lips brushing against Jimin's ear.

Jimin's lower back collided roughly with the oakwood desk behind him, hands gripping it tightly. "Professor... I'm sorry, really..."

"Shut up."

Jimin's breath hitched, his gaze directed at the floor. He couldn't do this. He couldn't break his promise to Taehyung. He felt the hot breath of the professor on his neck and was quick to turn away. "Please, Sir. I don't- I can't..."

"And why is that?" Yoongi spat, his jaw clenching upon hearing those words. "Are you just playing hard to get, little one? Or is it because of a certain someone, hm?" 

Jimin shook his head and tried desperately to break free of the elder's grip, his heart racing. "No, Sir. I-I... I just can't..." 

"You can, little one. And if you don't want to be kicked off your course, you fucking will." 

Jimin squeezed his eyes shut and swallowed. He felt the professor's hand inching down his torso, under his shirt. 

Jimin tried to scream but his voice was lost in his chest, fear overriding his system. The scar. Jimin thought. Professor Min would see the scar engraved on his torso, claiming him as V's. He had to stop, but he couldn't. 
He was frozen on the spot, his chest rising with each deep breath as the professor pulled his shirt off.

The student watched the emotions flicker in the professor's eyes, they turned dark as they fixated on the scar.

The lecture hall was yet again filled with silence. Jimin hated it. He hated it, he wanted nothing more than to run but fear glued him to the floor, leaving him to just stand there and wait.

"V's angel, huh?" 

Yoongi's voice sent chills down his spine. This was nothing like the sweet, humorous professor who had captured his lustful eye. 

"V's fucking angel!" 

Jimin's world spun as he was thrown to the ground, staring fearfully at the professor. His entire body ached from the pain, but he had to get away. He kicked at the floor, frantically trying to scramble away.

Yoongi let out a furious cry as his hand latched onto Jimin's ankle, dragging the student closer to him. "Jimin. You were supposed to be fucking mine! I risked fucking everything for you!" 

"S-Sir... please..."

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up, you vile whore! How many others? Tell me, Jimin. How many fucking men have you spread your legs for? You were my fucking everything, did I not mean shit to you? No. No, I didn't. You would much rather give yourself to V. Is that what I have to do... huh? Is it? Y-you, you want me to fucking kill people for you, Jimin? Is that what I have to do for your love?"

"No! S-Sir, please! Please! I-I'm so sorry, please!" 

Jimin mind barely processed the words coming out of his beloved professor's mouth. He felt sick to his stomach. How twisted was this man? How sickly obsessed was he? 

"Jimin... does it have to be you? I-if I kill you, you can't hurt me anymore. You can't play with my heart if I kill you. No one else can have you, sweet Jiminie," Yoongi's lips slowly formed a sweet smile as he knelt beside his student. His voice was gentle, and sweet, just as he usually talks. But the words made his stomach churn. 

He wanted Taehyung. He wanted him now more than ever. He wanted to be in his strong embrace, protected from the world, from this monster, from everything. His heart cried for Taehyung as he saw Yoongi reach into the pocket of his slacks, a shiny glint of silver catching his eye.

"No... No please... please. T-Taehyung! H-Help me! Someone, plea-" Yoongi slammed his hand over Jimin's mouth, the happy smile replaced by a look of ire. The professor pressed the knife to Jimin's chest, tongue pressed to the side of his cheek in frustration. "Stop fucking screaming, little one," 

Jimin's eyes were filled to the brim with tears, his mind shutting down. But he realised something. His hands were free. Yoongi gazed into Jimin's eyes, as though he was taking one last look at the gorgeous brown orbs, completely distracted, mind swimming with wicked thoughts.

Jimin grabbed the knife from Yoongi and drove it into the professor's chest, once, twice, three times, over and over again until his lifeless body collapsed beside him. 

Blood poured from the professor's mouth, his eyes remained wide open and bloodshot. Yoongi's suit was stained with blood, a red pool of it forming around the corpse as Jimin belatedly realised what he had just done. 

"O-oh... oh my... oh my god..." he choked up, his hands shaking as he took in the horrific sight of his professor's mangled, bloody corpse. "Oh, my god..."

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he dropped the knife, rushing away from it as though it was cursed. "No... no, no, no... what have I done...? What have I done...?" 

He couldn't tear his eyes away from the body. He didn't know what the fuck he was supposed to do. He had nowhere to hide the body, he was going to get caught, and he was going to be arrested. 

But someone found it appealing. 

"Oh... Jimin."

"Tae!" Jimin cried out, not hesitating as he rushed into the other's arms, staining his sleek outfit with the professor's blood. "Tae... Taehyung...I-" 
"Jiminie... my dear, angel... fuck. You don't know how much that fucking turned me on,"

Jimin's eyes shot up to meet Taehyung's, as though to make sure that he heard those words correctly. Taehyung looked down at him lustfully, large hands dropping from Jimin's small waist to cup his plump ass. 

"Tae... Tae w-what do I do..? T-they're gonna know it was me..." 
"No, they won't, angel. Let me handle this, okay? Let me take care of it..." 

Jimin nodded, burying his face in Taehyung's broad chest. "I-I... I didn't... I didn't mean to..." he spoke. His mind was tormenting him, he just couldn't escape the image of Yoongi's lifeless body, sprawled on the floor, emotionless eyes gazing up at him.

"Of course, not. But you did it. And it was the hottest thing I've ever fucking seen. See, Jiminie, darling. I told you, you are just like me,"

Word Count 1068 Words

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