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Jimin palms were sweaty, his knees were weak and his heart was racing as he watched Taehyung clear all traces of blood from the lecture hall. 

His gaze drifted to the mangled corpse of his professor, his heart sinking as the memory flashed before his eyes. The way Yoongi's eyes widened as the knife drove into his chest, the way his jaw dropped and a breathless gasp escaped his pink lips, the way all the colour drained from his face as he rapidly bled out. It was torment. 

It was a brutal murder. Messy. Untamed. Everything that Jimin was not. At least, he thought not.

He questioned himself. Was what he did so wrong if the man was ready to kill him first? Was he just defending himself, or was he just like V? Sadistic, merciless and with a neverending thirst for blood. Did Yoongi deserve to die? Surely there could have been another way to save himself, call the police, get Yoongi the help he needed and watch his life fall apart. 

He didn't know. He just didn't know. He was so afraid, so lost and so overwhelmed and the only person who he felt truly understood him was V, the most feared man in the fucking country. 

He should've known he was sick the moment he welcomed V into his home. And for what? A quick fuck? The quick fuck escalated into something far worse than he could ever imagine and now he had to pay the price for it. Be it emotional turmoil, prison or even death... he knew that he was going to pay the price for his actions. 

But he didn't care. Why would he care? He had V wrapped around his tiny pinky finger. He knew full well that the killer would die before he allowed Jimin to be hurt. He knew that this sick twisted man had become obsessed with him, and he knew exactly how to use his obsession. 

"Jimin, do you want to watch me?" Taehyung spoke up, finally breaking the heavy silence that filled the lecture hall. 

"Huh?" Jimin was snapped out of his train of thought and he looked down at where Taehyung knelt beside his professor's corpse. 

"I am going to make the killing seem like my doing. They will suspect me, and not you. Do you want to watch me carve my name? Or perhaps... you want to sign your very own work of art?" Taehyung's lips curled up into a sadistic grin. 

Jimin's jaw dropped. "You... you carve... you carve your name into your victims... as a fucking brand?"

Taehyung only laughed in response and ushered the blond boy over to him. "I do. Why would I want someone else to take the credit for my work, hm? Come on, now Jiminie. Look at him. Ah, death is truly such a beautiful thing, don't you think? All worries, thoughts, pains, and memories, all gone in such a short time. You did this, Jiminie. It is... such magical art, do you not want to brand him?"

Jimin's stomach churned. But the look in Taehyung's bloodshot eyes... pure delight, joy and contentment. "Are you stoned or something?"

"Yeah, why?" 

"Figured so. I... I don't want you to take the blame, Taehyungie. I'll do it. I... I did this. This is my work. If you take the blame... they'll take you from me." Jimin couldn't believe the words that escaped his mouth, as though he had no control over them. He was screaming at himself to run, to hide, to let Taehyung take the blame so he could finally get out of this mess for good. But... something in him overpowered any rational thought as he carved the letters "ANGEL" into Yoongi's torso.

It was messy, bloody and sick. But the rush of adrenaline had been coursing through his veins since the second the knife drove through his professor's heart. It was exhilarating, addicting like a drug. And he was able to mark his 'art' as his own. He was finally beginning to understand Taehyung... understand and experience the mind of a killer. 

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