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The corners of Taehyung's lips twitched into a smile as he imagined the horrors he would bring before Jimin's dear friend. He was excited to get to work and to do what he did best, to show his darling boyfriend what happens when he makes him angry. More so, he was yearning to see Jimin's reaction when he taught him his lesson of respect. 

Taehyung found it hard not to rip Jimin's head off his perfect little body as he spewed insults at his lover, but he could never do that. Not to his Jimin. Each syllable Jimin spoke only strengthened the monster inside of him, feeding it with the thirst for murder and revenge. The temptation was insatiable, impossible to resist. He had to. He had to kill. And his Jimin had given him three victims already, so generous of him. 

Taehyung strode on the sidewalk, clad in a beige trench coat, black slacks, a brown floral button-up and a plain white face mask. He almost laughed to himself, no one on the bustling city street noticed him, and no one knew what he does, what he planned to do. It was humorous to think of their reactions if they knew that he was the notorious V. 

His eyes were fixed on one person in particular, watching every step he took and following after him. He made sure to keep his distance, knowing better than to attract attention to himself. He watched as the man walked into a fast-food restaurant and scoffed to himself. 

"I think I'll be doing him a favour when I kill him, at least then he doesn't have to suffer the consequences of poor eating habits," he muttered, shoving his hands into the pockets of his trenchcoat as he followed behind him. 

"-two large fries, a hamburger and a milkshake as well, please," the man told the cashier. Taehyung let out another scoff at that. 

"Of course. Can I get you anything else, sir?" the cashier asked. Taehyung couldn't help but notice the way the girl shifted uncomfortably under the man's gaze. He felt a pool of anger bubble in his chest. The girl couldn't have been much older than eighteen, yet he was staring at her as though she was a piece of meat. It was disgusting to witness a man be so demeaning and perverted to a girl so young.

"Could I get you, pretty girl?" 

The cashier's eyes widened and she shook her head. "I'm seventeen, you freak. Go take a seat, my colleague will bring you your food," she spat. 

"Seventeen? You look very mature for your age, princess,"

Taehyung clenched his jaw. He was losing his composure by the second. How could someone be so disgusting as to harass a seventeen-year-old girl who was clearly uncomfortable? It made his stomach churn. 

"Sir, please go take a seat," the girl repeated, her voice shaky. 

As the man opened his mouth to argue back, Taehyung grabbed him by the collar and turned him so they were face to face. His eyes burned with rage, his jaw was clenched behind his mask and his grip was deathly tight. 

"Kang Seojoon," Taehyung spoke, his voice cold and bitter. 

"H-How do you know my name? W-who are you?" the man writhed in his grip. Taehyung wanted nothing more than to force the man into unconsciousness and drag him out of the restaurant to do wretched, unfathomable things to him, but he knew better. Far too many witnesses. 

"Who I am doesn't matter. You? If you know what's good for you, I would leave this poor girl alone. I won't fucking hesitate to kick your ass from here to the States if you so much as think of speaking to her or another minor again. Get out of here." 

Taehyung released his vicelike grip on the man's collar and watched as he fled the scene like a terrified mutt. He knew better than to go after him, he would be an immediate suspect when the man's body is found. So he waited until their next meeting to strike. 


The sun had set, yet the streets of Seoul were still bustling with schoolkids and workers alike. It was too early, yet Taehyung had to hurry. Jimin was waiting for him. The poor thing was still tied to the bed, limbs sore and aching and stomach growling. 

Taehyung sat on Seojoon's lounge chair, patiently awaiting the moment the pedophilic scum would walk through the door. His finger traced the small glass of whisky he had helped himself to, eyes glancing over at the near-empty bottle on the cabinet beside him. He had been there for far too long, his mind was beginning to spiral. That only made him more dangerous, and more cunning as he thought through his plan of torturing and killing Seojoon, his sick mind coming up with new, twisted ideas of how to do so. 

"Home at last," a gruff voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he looked up. 

Standing before him was none other than Kang Seojoon; his face was drained of all colour, his eyes widened in terror and his breathing rapid as he locked eyes with the stranger in his home. 

"Welcome back, Kang Seojoon. I have been waiting quite a while, I was starting to think you weren't going to show up," Taehyung smiled, taking a final gulp of the whisky as he placed the glass on the table. "It is never nice to keep your guests waiting, now is it?" 

"Get out of my apartment," Seojoon stammered, his voice fighting to remain strong but when he was so overwhelmed with fear, it was near impossible. 

"Do you remember our meeting earlier today? Hm? How that girl had told you not to speak to her like that, yet you continued. It's clear as day that you do not respect the word 'no'. And frankly, when it comes to you, dear friend, I don't either," Taehyung lifted himself from the lounge chair, steadily approaching the fearful man who was frozen in the doorway, his gaze dark and murderous. 

"Who are you? W-What do you want from me? How did you find out where I live? Y-You better get out... you better, I'll call the police!" Seojoon stumbled back against the door, his limbs shaking. 

"Aish, what is with all of the questions, Joonie? You can call me V. I want to kill you. Social media is truly amazing at times, is it not? That's how I found you," Taehyung answered, his arm slowly wrapping around Seojoon's quivering body.

Seojoon felt a tear roll down his cheek. He daren't breathe, speak, or move; he was paralysed with fear as he realised that he was face to face with the notorious killer. His life was flashing before his eyes as he awaited death's cold embrace. 

But it never came. 

Taehyung let out a soft chuckle as he tangled his hand in Seojoon's hair. 

"But first, I think we should take you to see my Jiminie. I cannot imagine the suffering he will make you endure when he finds out what you are truly like,"

Word Count: 1189 Words

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