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Hoseok groaned as he heard his phone ringing, rolling over in his cosy bed to reach over and grab it. 

"Hello, Detective Jung Hoseok speaking-"

"Hoseok. There's another body." 

The man instantly sat up upon hearing the sound of the police chief's voice. The man sounded mortified, he could only wonder what had caused him to be so disturbed. 

"Text me the location, Namjoon-ah, I'll be there soon. Please tell forensics not to move anything until I arrive, I want to see it as it was found," Hoseok let out a sigh and rubbed his temples, not listening to Captain Namjoon's response. 

The detective ended the call, beyond frustrated that he was woken up at 5 am because V... or Angel decided to strike again. 

"When will you stop this madness?" he grumbled, dressing in a navy blue dress shirt paired with black jeans. He didn't care about his appearance, all he wanted was to get these monsters behind bars. 

He made sure to grab his police badge as he made his way out of his apartment and into his white Skoda Karoq. He silently prayed to any god above that the body that was found was not that of Jungkook, anyone but Jungkook. The little student was too precious, too honest, kind and caring. Hoseok would be damned if he let anything happen to him. 

He drove off toward the crime scene and soon realised that the body was found outside of the quaint little cafe where he had interrogated Jimin the day before. This made his suspicions grow. It was odd how Jimin was known to be in the same area as both murders, he figured that he would have to pay the cute blond student another visit. 

When he arrived, he saw police tape cutting off the crime scene, a forensics team examining the body and the surrounding area, as well as multiple officers ensuring that the public did not get too close. It was a sight he was all too familiar with. Hunting V had proven to be the biggest challenge of his life and the longer it took to find him, the more people would pay the price. 

But now it was different. There was another killer and Hoseok suspected that the two were either working together or it was a copycat who looked up to the sick man. The only lead he had was Jimin, but there was simply not enough evidence to convict him for such an accusation. He always found himself back at square one with every new body found. 

An officer approached Hoseok as he stepped under the police tape. 

"What've we got, Gwon?" Hoseok looked at him, pulling out his notepad. 

"The victim is unidentifiable until forensics can analyse, but it is an adult male, roughly 5'8. The call was placed at precisely 5:32 am by an employee at the cafe named Yung Seohee who arrived to start her 5:30 am shift. The victim's body was mangled, though we suspect that the murder did not transpire in the vicinity as there is no traces of blood. Most, if not all nearby cameras have been inspected, and all were clear. On the torso, it read "Angel" just like in Professor Min's case," the officer, Gwon Namgil, spoke, glancing over at the disfigured corpse. 

"Any forms of identification? Drivers license, passport?" Hoseok questioned as he wrote down all of the necessary information. The officer shook his head and Hoseok approached the body. 

He wasn't sure what to expect but nothing could prepare him for the horrific sight. 

Laid in front of him was an unclothed young man who couldn't have been much younger than thirty years old, eyes gauged out leaving dark holes in the centre of his head... he noticed something. A pink muscle resting in the empty sockets. "His fucking tongue is in his eyes... holy fucking shit..." Hoseok muttered, eyes raking down the man's figure. "H-holy shit..." the man's body was twisted in an inhumane way yet the detective was able to make out the large wound at the front of his groin and something filling his ass.

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