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"I'm gonna go freshen up and then I'll join you for breakfast, my love," Jimin smiled softly, setting a plate of freshly made (thankfully not burnt) pancakes in front of his lover as he placed a gentle kiss to his cheek. 

Taehyung grinned up at him, enjoying how domestic, how innocent mornings with Jimin always were. "Don't take too long, angel,"

Jimin just laughed fondly as he made his way up the creaky wooden staircase and into their bathroom. His eyes raked over the scene, chuckling to himself as he looked at the shower and remembered his and Taehyung's intense sexual escapade earlier that morning.

Taking a deep breath, Jimin's eyes turned to the mirror, meeting the heavy gaze of his reflection. 

Jimin made it a promise to himself that he would not look in the mirror. Each time he bore at the mirror, his mind would spiral into the darkest depths of itself, leaving Jimin a fraction of who he was. Who he thought he was. 

He inched closer to the mirror, taking in every mark on his bare face. It was no lie that Jimin was a masochist, he enjoyed the pain Taehyung inflicted on him when they were in the bedroom, and he wore his marks with pride. Each bruise, cut and love bite that painted his skin was worshipped by him, they were seen as a reminder of all the love Taehyung had for him. 

But were they part of him now? 

Would he have to continue his life with scars imprinted on his blemished skin?

Was he always going to belong to Taehyung? 

"Who are you..?" he whispered. His heart felt heavy, his eyes stung with tears and his knees felt weak. "Who are you, if not V's angel? Because... because I am not looking at Park Jimin," 

He couldn't tear his eyes from his reflection, so caught up in turmoil within his mind to care that he was losing touch with himself. "I am just like Taehyung... I am a killer... I-I am a monster..."

Images of mutilated bodies flashed through his mind, sending a wave of nausea through his body. "I did those things... Angel did those things..." his voice wavered with each syllable, his sweaty palms quivering. "There is no turning back now, Angel. Park Jimin... P-Park Jimin is dead," 

His head hung low, a heavy sob escaping his lips as he finally tore his gaze from the wretched mirror. 

"Park Jimin is standing right in front of me," 

Jimin slowly turned to meet Taehyung's pitiful stare, steadily approaching his open arms. "T-Taehyungie... who am I?" 

Taehyung stayed silent, fingers coursing through Jimin's darkening hair. He knew not to talk, not to disturb the man as he thought. He just needed to be there; he knew who Park Jimin was. 

And he was a killer. 


Jimin stomped on his used cigarette, turning to Taehyung. "Nerves are calm...ish. Shall we go in, Taehyungie?" 

The pair were waiting outside the police station, quietly going through their story as they shared a cigarette. Jimin was almost shaking, praying that everything will go to plan and they will continue to be free to do as they wish. He stared at Taehyung who remained calm and stoic, despite knowing that they were so close to being caught. 

Their time was running out and they knew it. 

"I wasn't done with that, but yeah. Come on, angel," he rubbed Jimin's back as he escorted his boyfriend through the glass doors and approached the front desk. 

"U-Um, hello," Jimin greeted, offering an adorable grin. 

The female receptionist looked up and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, completely (somehow) unaffected by Jimin's charms. "Yes? What can I do for you?" 

Psycho  {VMIN} 18+Where stories live. Discover now