𝟏𝟎: 𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐭𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟

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We danced, sang, ate, and played, all night. Carol and Vin made their way up to the guest room. They were too tired to drive themselves home, therefore I offered to let them spend the night. We were currently watching a movie and I looked to the side and saw how Davi had fallen asleep in Evelyn's arms.

A smile came onto my face as I saw how concentrated she was on the movie. Feeling my eyes on her, Evelyn quickly turned over to me with a smile.

"You know if you keep staring, you'll miss out on the good parts." She said, getting me to chuckle.

"I don't mind." I said, getting her to blush.

She reached down and started running her fingers through Davi's hair. She was so gentle with him and so caring. My father was right, I needed to tell her how I felt before it got too late. This could be the perfect time. I felt my heart starting to raise as I thought of ways to start the conversation.

"Listen, umm, there's something I want to tell you." I said after a while of just glancing from the movie to her.

"Mhmm." She said as she took her attention off the TV and onto me.

"Sooo." I said, trying to find a way in telling her. "I don't know how to say it." I said with a small chuckle.

"Just let it out, Ney." She said getting me to grow soft at the nickname.

"Evelyn, I like you, like a lot." I blurted out, I almost face palmed myself as I saw how her facial expression didn't change at all.

"Since I saw you that day outside of Cynthia's I got lost in your eyes. Ever since I can't seem to find my way back home, because I've realized that you're my home." I continued, and finally she changed her expression into a smile.

"Can you help me bring Davi up to his room?" She questioned getting me to question myself in my head.

I nodded and got up to take Davi from her arms. As I made my way upstairs to Davi's room she followed shortly behind me. I questioned whether or not it was a mistake to tell her. She was quiet the entire time as I layed Davi on his bed.

"May I?" She asked, pointing down towards the blanket that was beside Davi.

I simply nodded with a smile and she reached for the blanket. I placed a soft kiss on Davi's forehead before walking towards the door. From the doorway I saw how she placed the blanket over a sleeping Davi. She ran her hand over his hair once more before sending a smile down at him and placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

She walked towards the door and closed it behind her. She cleared her throat and gave me a smile.

"So tell me more." She said with a small smile as she leaned against Davi's closed door.

I chuckled and extended my hand out to her. She took my hand in hers and I led us into the family room once again. We both sat on the couch once more but this time I paused the movie that was playing.

"As I was saying, Evelyn, you've made me the happiest person on this planet in a short amount of time." I said reaching for her hand. "And when I heard about what that sick bastard did to you, I couldn't help but feel this huge rage. I just wanted to lay my hands on him and not stop, but then you simply touched me and I was at ease." I added getting her to nod. She started tracing small figures on my hand with her soft fingers.

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