𝟏𝟗: 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐓𝐨 𝐈𝐛𝐢𝐳𝐚

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Those brown eyes that could make me surrender everything, his eyes. I brought my hand up to cup his cheek and everything for once around me froze. He was here in front of me, no longer at a distance. My body was craving him, my heart had missed him. Here he was now, in front of me with that contagious smile.

"God, I missed you my love." He said as he wrapped his arm around me and picked me up from the ground.

"I'm glad you're here." I said as he held me tight in his arms.

"I felt like these couple of weeks felt like an eternity." He said as he put me down.

"Well imagine the next couple of months with your return to Barcelona, and my tour." I said with a small sigh.

"But we'll get through it." He said, getting me to nod and smile.

"My brother and his wife said they would be stopping by tomorrow morning to say hi before the trip." I said as we made our way to my car. "My brother said that with the arrival of Suarez at Barcelona y'all will be the dynamic trio." I added with a small chuckle.

"Me, Suarez, and who?" He asked as he threw his arm over my shoulder.

"Messi, duh." I said with a small chuckle.

"And who's your favorite?" He asked with a small smirk.

"Hmm, let me think." I said with a small thinking face. "I mean Suarez is pretty good. And Messi woof, let's not talk about him." I said with an impressed face.

"Oh really, and what about me?" He asked quickly.

"Eh, you're alright." I said as he gave me a fake hurt expression.

"That seriously wounded me." He said as he brought his hand up to his chest.

"I'm kidding." I said as I pulled him to me as we came to a stop in front of my car. "You know you'll always be my favorite." I said as I reached up and gave him a soft kiss.

"I swear you have driven me crazily in love." He said as I got into the car in the driver seat.

He quickly put his suitcase in the trunk and made his way over to the passenger seat as I turned on the car.

"Now, who's your favorite artist?" I asked him as I drove out of the parking lot.

"Let's see, there's this cute, talented girl that uff. You should definitely meet her." He said with such admiration that I simply scoffed.

"Oh really? And who is she?" I asked him as I had my eyes on the road.

"The girl of my dreams." He said as he placed his hand on my thigh. "You, Miss Evelyn Ramos." He added as a smile grew on my face and I continued driving us home.

" He added as a smile grew on my face and I continued driving us home

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