𝟐𝟏: 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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Neymar was back in his home in Barcelona, his doctor had officially cleared him to play. His season was taking off and things were looking really good for FC Barcelona.

Evelyn was starting her World Tour in her birthplace, Los Angeles. So far she has sold out concerts in huge stadiums. Most of the concerts were set to be in stadiums. It was a huge accomplishment to her.

The two of them did the best they could to see one another. Neymar would make it to most of her concerts. Well whenever he had a clear schedule. It was kind of hard to fly all the way from Spain.


A month after her tour started Evelyn was now taking off into Mexican and Colombian soil. Her audience was loving this Evelyn to the World Tour. She was singing both her English and Spanish albums. Her recent album, Love in Brazil was so close to going Golden.

During her free days she went and visited Neymar who was thrilled to see her. They spent the entire week together before she was left for Colombia. They were set to meet before Christmas again.



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"I'm getting to the studio right now." She said over the phone as I sat in my family room.

"Okay just call me when you get out." I told her as I looked at the person sitting across from me.

"I love you." Evelyn said from the phone.

"Love you too." I said before hanging up the phone.

"She's at the studio again isn't she?" Bruna asked as we sat in my family room.

Me and Bruna had been good friends over the last couple of months. Ever since Evelyn's birthday party we've been working on our friendship. Evelyn understands and accepts it, even though sometimes she questions it.

"Yeah, she's working on a new song with Maluma." I said with a sigh.

"Maluma? Again?" She questioned raising her eyebrows. "Don't they have like three songs together already?" She added, getting me to sigh.

"They have two." I said as I stood up and walked to the nearby small fridge to get out two drinks.

"And don't you think it's a little suspicious that she flew all the way back to the U.S. at the snap of Maluma's fingers." She said as I handed her a Redbull.

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