𝟏𝟕: 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐥

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We all were sitting around the table in my dining room. My mom had prepared dinner for us. With the help of my dad, my sister, and Evelyn I sat in the wheelchair. It was silent, I hadn't spoken much since we returned from the hospital.

"So Evelyn we heard you're working on a new album." My dad said as we all ate.

"Yes, I'm actually set to record it soon." Evelyn responded, getting me to realize something.

"Babe, you missed your flight." I said bringing my silverware down in disappointment.

"No it's okay. I've talked to William and we're pausing the album for right now." She said as I took a sip of the water in my cup.

"I'm sorry but you can't put this on hold for me." I responded as I shook my head.

"Son." My mother said as she saw how I wasn't having it.

"No. She can't put me first. I want her to go and do this album." I said looking over at my mom. "I want you to accomplish this dream. I didn't get the chance to achieve mine but you do." I added looking at Eveyn who hadn't said a thing.

"You know I have a friend, he has a studio down in Rio. What if you get started on it here?" Rafaella asked as she had her eyes on Evelyn.

"That could work." Evelyn simply said as a smile formed on her lips. "I would just have to talk to Will. That way I don't have to leave you." She said, turning towards me with a smile.

"You'll have to eventually." I said as I went back to eating my food.

"Well let's not discuss this right now. Let's just enjoy this meal that your mother has cooked for us." My dad said from his seat.

The remainder of dinner I remained quiet as Evelyn and my parents spoke. I still couldn't get out of my head how she was willing to put her career on hold for me. I just couldn't let her do so, because I know how much this means to her.

I was helped upstairs towards the room and laid on the bed. Evelyn had gone downstairs to follow my parents out the door. As I waited for her to come into the room I simply scrolled through my phone on social media. I heard her faint footsteps making their way up.

"Your parents said they'll come by tomorrow to take you for your first therapy session." She said as she entered the room and walked towards the bed.

"Sounds good." I simply said as she laid down beside me.

"Your sister also said she'll take me tomorrow to meet with the studio guy." She added this time getting me to bring my phone down.

"My love I am sorry for how I reacted today at dinner." I said as my eyes landed on hers.

"No it's okay. I understand your worries but babe you have to understand." She said as she sat up. "I can't bring myself to leave you like this." She said as a small smile formed on my lips.

"I'm lucky to have you." I said as I opened up my arms for her to give me a hug.

"I think I'm the lucky one." She said as her body molded into mine.

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