𝟏𝟓: 𝐆𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜

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I woke up and felt how she was still asleep in my arms. I couldn't help but smile as I remembered that she was now mine. She had said yes and that made me the happiest man alive.

I placed a loose strand of hair behind her ear and placed a small kiss on her temple. I reached for my phone trying not to wake her. I checked the time and it was quite early. Davi hadn't gotten up since he's not really a morning. person.

I got up from the couch that we were laying on and I made my way over to the kitchen. Before I got out of sight I glanced and saw how she remained asleep. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out water since I felt my throat rough and dry.

I made my way upstairs and did my necessities before coming back down. I started on breakfast, or at least tried. Yet everything went terribly wrong. I chuckled to myself as I saw how bad of a chef I was. Evelyn made it look so easy. I softly made my way towards my house attendants room. I knocked softly and she quickly came to the door.

"Hey Larissa did I wake you?" I asked hoping she was already up.

"No sweetheart I was already up." The woman said as she made her way out of her room.

Larissa is the lady in charge of making sure everything is clean and tidy around the house. Yet she helps me a lot with Davi when I am here in Brazil. She cooks for me and just cares for me like my mother. She's an older lady that I've grown to see like my nana. Whenever I leave for Barcelona she comes with me. She doesn't have a family and she once told me that I was her only hope at family.

"Do you think you could get started on some breakfast?" I asked her as she smiled and nodded.

"I heard you two made it official last night." She said as we made our way back towards the kitchen.

"Yes you don't know how happy she made me by saying yes." I said as a smile formed on my face.

"I'm glad to see you happy. Evelyn's a good girl, you picked the right one." She said getting me to smile even harder as we arrived in the kitchen.

" She said getting me to smile even harder as we arrived in the kitchen

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I woke up and realized that we had fallen asleep on the huge couch in the living room. I got up and the beautiful smell of breakfast was all over the house. I heard chattering coming from the kitchen.

First I went upstairs and did my necessities before coming back down to meet those in the kitchen. When I reached the kitchen I saw that Davi was sitting on his chair eating his breakfast.

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