~ Friendship ~

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are yall pissed that i made neteyam shorter than aonung or somethin

btw I'm gonna edit the other chapter a bit there's some spelling errors-


Neteyam - First Person <3


I sat in the soft, warm sand. Slightly digging my toes in the sand. I let out a huff of exhastion and layed back. I could suddenly hear faint footsteps on the beach, I turned my head, fully expecting Aonung, Lo'ak, or Kiri. But I saw Tsireya, she slightly waved and grinned at me.

"Hi, Neteyam," she spoke softly, "I wanted to apologize for.. you know.." She giggled and looked away, "Ruining yours and Aonungs moment." She laughed once more,

I shook my head quickly, "No, no! You don't need to apologize, you didn't ruin anything," I smiled softly at her.

Tsireya had always been the kind and caring person, since I was here technically. But from Aonung I could tell she was one of the tribes favorite. Always helping people anytime and anyway she can, and playing with the children when needed. Giving food to others, sometimes. But mostly, she was a kind person.

She walked towards me and sat down, "What is... yours and Aonungs relationship with eachother? You seem very close, and act as if you are lovers. And Aonung talks about you a lot.."

I was shoked by her question, "W-what do you mean?" I awkwardly laughed, "Me and Aonung are just friends!"

"Please, I can tell by the way you guys look at eachother something is going on between you. I would know, clearly.." She laughed and tucked a peice of hair behind her ear,

I laughed at her, "I know, it's clear you and Lo'ak have something.."

"Yes, so I can tell you and Aonung have something.. he has been acting different since he met you, a bit- happier? I suppose I should word it like that,"

"Has he? I feel as if the same goes for Lo'ak, he's a lot less moody," I joked,

"He seems really happy with me.." Tsireya explained, fidgeting with her hands,

"Oh! Toning talk about you to me a lot, by the way!" Tsireya grinned at me, excited about spoiling Aonungs secrets,

I giggled at her excitement, "What does he say?"

She lifted her hands to her cheek, "My! It's so sweet! He says how you're an amazing and funny person, and how he loves to spend time with you. How beautiful you are.. I made that up actually," She tapped her chin with her finger,

"That's all that I can remember, but it says a lot!"

I nodded, "You're right," I looked away, my face turning a shade of dark blue,

"I hope you two get together, you're so cute together!!" Tsireya explaimed,

I blushed once more, "Me too.. I guess,"

Tsireya gasped, "So you like him?!"

I widened my eyes and started at her, laughing awkwardly, 'N-no.. why would you think that? We're friends!!"

'Shit I said that out loud..'

She nodded, "Mhm.."

"Well, anyway! I'm going to go swim.. maybe do some chores," I excused myself and ran off to the water.

( Aonung - First Person )

'Where is he?!'

I've searched all around the village, for him. I needed to talk to him, I didn't care what it took, I needed to say something! Apologize, or anything! I felt so awful.. what if he was uncomfortable? What If he didn't want to.. kiss!?

I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to calm myself. It'll be fine.. fine.

I spotted  Tsireya walking towards me. I ran up to her and shook her shoulders, she jumped and grabbed my arms,

"Hey, what's wrong?" She questioned,

"Wheres Neteyam?" I yelled at her,

"He's swimming.. calm down,"

I suddenly felt much more calmer, what it because of Tsireya? Or because I knew Neteyam was okay.. or atleast I hope so.

"You can go join him? I feel as if you have something to tell him," Tsireya smiled at me and squeezed my arm, "You got this, big bro,"

Then she walked off. I immediately knew what I needed to do. I ran towards the open part of beach, and spotted a familiar dark blue avatar swimming through the water. I dived in and hurried towards him. I took him by the arm and pulled me towards me,

"Aonung? What the hell?" He yelled,

"I'm sorry! I should have never asked you that! I'm sorry I tried! I understand if you hate me now.." I looked away and let go of Neteyams arm,

Neteyam looked at me, confused, "What are you talking about? Is this about the kiss?"

I looked towards him and slowly nodded, "Well, we didn't technically kiss.. but yes,"

Neteyam smiled softly at me and placed both his hands on my cheeks, "Don't apologize, I wanted to kiss you as much as you wanted to kiss me, maybe more.." He whispered,

I wrapped my arms around his slim torso, tieing my hands together,

Neteyam stared at me, "Could I.. kiss you?"

I nodded quickly, "Yes! I mean.. yeah.."

Neteyam smiled and leaned in, our lips connected. I shut my eyes closely. Out lips moved against eachother like a pattern. the kiss wasn't heated or anything, it was just to show our love for each other.



sorry it doesn't have much description, I didn't plan to make them kiss. I also don't write smut/kissing scenes(I read them.), so I didn't know how to write that-

anyway, there. enjoy.

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