The beginning

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"Tanisha, you are on stage in Five minute."  Said My manager, calling from outside the door before walking away. "I'll be right there" I called out as I was finishing getting ready. As A child, I always dream of becoming a superstar. By the age of six, I started singing in the church choir. When I started to sing lead, church people told my mom that I had a voice and that I did not sing like normal children would have sing. Thats when I discovered that I had a voice. My mom also sings as well. Here Name is Tamron Boyce, my mom also sings in the Church Choir and sing at night clubs at night. My Father name is Guy Boyce, my dad works as a security Garud. My Mom would take me too the Night clubs sometimes because my father works night as well, so me being a ten-year-old at the time, my mother could not afford a baby sit sometime so she would take me to the night club with her. When at the night club, I would sit at the bar and watch my mom sing. She looks so lovely when she was on stage. A few times I my mom would have me on stage with her and we would sing together. When I was at home and my dad had the night off, I would sing to my favorite artist songs like Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, Whitney Houston, and Aaliyah.  Some people say that I look like Aaliyah. I have long hair the is pass my shoulders, smoothed brown skin, Almond eyes, and my body is shaped like an hour class. Not everything at home was perfect, My Parents would get into an argument most time because of bills and hard times. This sometime leads to fights and throwing house objects. This would have an effect on my self-esteem. I would not come home at time and run the streets. During my Teen years I have been in talent shows where I sing "Good Love" By Whitney Houston.  Even though I won the talent shows, my grades were dropping, I was not the prettiest girl in school either, I wear glasses that was shape like a cat's eye, something that women wear back in the 1950's. My Hair was messy, and my clothes were hand me downs. Girls will make fun of me; Boys never ask me to date or ask me out. I had friends who were great. However, I spent much of my time alone. When I was a senior in high school, I met my boyfriend, Brandon Tate. He was on the football team and was a captain. He was the only one who found me attractive, and we would go on dates, and we went to prom together. Brandon is the only one I felt who cared about me because he knows what I been through with my parents and students bulling me. When I was going through something, He was there for me. Before the end of my senior year, I was discovered by a talent agent who work for Jam records. I was at talent show in my Neiborhood and a lot of kids my age was in the singing contest. Whoever wins the contest were to receive a scholarship to their favorite college. I did not win the competition; however, I still landed a record deal with Jam records. My parents were concern with the contract, but Brandon was supported of me with me new career and success that came with it. It's been 4 years as I am sitting in my dressing room right now getting ready for my concert. As for my mom and dad, they are happy for my career, however, they don't like how I dance and dress provocatively. But times are different, and the fans changes as well.  How it was a long time ago is not how it is now. I got up from my chair and headed to the stage. I was wearing red two long piece dress with a split on the right side of the leg with white-open toe heels. My hair was slick back with long gold earrings, nude pink lip stick with brown lip-liner with red-glitter eyeshadow with black eyeliner and nude blush to match my brown skin tone. Before I step on stage, I can hear the fans screaming and shouting my name. Me and my team said a prayer before heading on stage to Proform. After the prayer, my dancer headed on stage first before I did. The music started to play, and the dancers started dancing. I started to become nervous because there where millions of people packed the stadium. This was the most packed stadium I ever seen in the pass 4 years. Before I headed on stage, I took a deep breath, collected myself, and got on stage to greet my fans. After doing that, I was calm and collected and started to perform for my concert. 

Beauty and The Beast(Gargoyles: Goliath Chronicles continues) VOL. 1Where stories live. Discover now