Invasion Of Privacy

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After my concert was over, I said goodbye to my fans and that I appreciate them showing up for my concert. I left the stage and headed to my dressing room to change into my street clothes. My tour manger Kent Agular stops to chat with me about the next and last tour coming up in New York. Kent was tall about 6'2, Brown hair, White skin that look like he had a tan and dress in a nice suite that was fit to his skin, gay with a red tie. "Tanisha, you did great out there. The fans love you, NO-NO-NO; they worship you out there. The fans can get enough of you." As he was about to say another word, I interrupt and corrected him on what he is calling my fans. " They are not my fans Kent; they are my supporters. Fans are people that follow me; however, my supporters buy my albums and attend my concerts." I said while I continued to walk to my dressing room. Kent followed me into the dressing room as well to finish discussing my tour. "Tanisha, I hear what you are saying, supporters, fans, it's the same to me." Kent continued to rant. I did not correct him at that point. I just rolled my eyes and continued to listen to him while I sat in the same chair, I got ready in. Kent continued to talk. "If we sell out stadiums in New York like we did hear in Florida, you will be the youngest popstar ever to sell out stadiums ever in history. " Kent said excitedly. "You will also be the biggest popstar in the world." To hear Kent, say all that being the youngest popstar to ever sold-out stadiums or areas. That sounded find to me and all however, I wanted more than that. I wanted something most popstar want to do but never got the chance to do. This was my chance to tell Kent how I feel or else I will never get a chance to. "Kent". I interrupted.  "I am so glad that I am making history, However, I need to take a break from music for a while." After I said that, Kent mouth dropped open as if I cussed him out. Kent took of his glasses, and he had concern look on his face. Kent said in a slow, calm voice. "Tanisha, you are on a roll here. If you finish the tour and go on a vacation just like that; you would miss most of your era that you plan out before this era even began." Kent said his voice when from calm to frantic. " I made up my mind, beside it will give myself a break from the paparazzi's and the paparazzi's having a story to tell about me." I said as calm as I can be. The paparazzi has been hounding me ever since my music career has taken off. Everywhere I go they are right there taken pictures of me especially when I am with my boyfriend Brandon.  They have told lies on me saying that I attack one of my fans when it was not true at all. Kent put his right three fingers between his noise and started to talk. "Tanisha, it does not matter what you do, the paparazzi's will always be chasing you, you know why? Because they need a story to tell, the paparazzi is always chasing you no matter what you do. You can be gone for 20 years, and they still will have a story to tell because you know why? Because they need to eat to Tanisha, just like me and are working so hard because we need to eat. If you don't work, we make no money, when we make not money, we lose Raveneaus with mean we don't eat."  Kent said being frantic again. I took a breath so I can stay calm and collected; after I became calm, I started to talk. "Kent, I know want you are saying, and I know this business is important to you because I see you put sweat and tears into this business. However, I need this break. I want to live a normal life without the fans chasing me, being on social media, taking interviews, all that take a toll on me. I been in this business for 4 years and I have yet to have a normal life.  I need this break, beside my cousin Elisa live in New York. she will l-..... before I can finish my sentence, Kent interrupts me. "New York? Elisa, Your Cousin Elisa?" He said not to happy. "Tanisha, New York is not a safe place to stay at. on top of that, it's very dangerous especially where your cousin lives." Kent said worry. " Didn't I mention that my cousin is a cop or that just went over your head?" I said questionably. "Tanisha, I am Just worrying about your safety, you're a celebrity for crying-out-loud. You could get robbed, beaten or even rape just being on the wrong side of town. " Kent said while he is pacing around my dressing room. " I promise Kent I'll be fine; I promise you. My older cousin Elisha will make share I am safe." I said reassuring. I see that Kent was lighting up and came to the realization that he was not going to change his mind. "Ok, you can take your break, However, please be safe and do not hang around eastside of New York?" Kent said as he was swearing to me. "I promise to stay out of danger will staying in New York. " I hold my hand up to let him know I am making a promise to him. " I promise to stay safe and out of danger. After Making a promise, my phone started ringing, I picked it up and it was Brandon, my boyfriend calling me. As Kent left the room, I answered the phone. "Hello" I said. "Hello babe," said Brandon. Ever since graduating high school, Brandon was down on his luck lately.  He did go to college but dropped out before the term even started. He also tried out for the NFL; however, no luck has come from that. I have supported Brandon as he supported me when I was down on my luck. I will help him get where he needs to be eventually the NFL will have to look at him again and accept him because Brandon has skills in the field.  "Hi Babe, any luck finding work? I said concerning. "I got something in the works Babe, it's starting to come off the ground soon. Until then it's been slow." Brandon reassuring. " Babe, you said that the last time I talked to you, and Nothing is happening. I hope you are not saying that just to get relief out of me." He been saying he have something in the works for a few months now and nothing has happened yet. I felt that Brandon was embarrassed to admit that his career has not gotten him nowhere. I feel bad that my career has flourish while his is on the decline. However, Brandon never complains about my accomplishments or even show jealousy. And Thats why I love him so much, he continues to support me even when he is down. Something will come for him; I know it will. As I was lost in my thoughts, Brandon continued to talk. " Tanisha, I want to take you out this weekend After your concert in New York, Are you down?" I look at the phone as if I was talking to someone else. Brandon don't have the money to take me out.  I had to say something. " Uh, Brandon, you don't have the money to take me out? Brandon started to laugh on the phone." Don't worry about that babe, I borrow 25,000 from my uncle. I told him I will pay him back once I get my football career going."  I wanted to question how Brandon going to pay the money if nothing comes through. But I kept my mouth shut and trust that he is going to make it big in the industry. "Ok, I 'll go out with you, but promise me you will find work." I said. " I Promise to find work" Brandon said being reassuring again. " Look I have to go; I call you when I am in New York." Brandon said. "Ok Talk to you later; Bye. I hang Up the phone and put on my street clothes and hurry out the Stadium because I Know that the Paparazzi is waiting for me to come out. I could not wait to begin my break so that I could get away from it all. 

Beauty and The Beast(Gargoyles: Goliath Chronicles continues) VOL. 1Where stories live. Discover now