Hate Is What You Become

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The next night, the Gargoyles are patrolling different areas of New York. Until they see the quarry men messing with a citizen who was a  black man

The sight of the Quarry Men harassing the citizen fills the Gargoyles with rage. They quickly fly down to the scene, their wings flapping loudly as they descend upon the hateful group.

"What is the meaning of this?" Goliath booms, his imposing figure causing a few of the Quarry Men to cower. "Leave the innocent citizen alone!"

The leader of the Quarry Men, a large man with a mean glare, sneers at the Gargoyles. "Stay out of this, freaks," he spits. "We're taking care of business that doesn't concern you."

This does concern us," Brooklyn growls, his own anger rising. "You have no right to harass an innocent person just because of the color of their skin."

This does concern us," Brooklyn growls, his own anger rising. "You have no right to harass an innocent person just because of the color of their skin."

The leader of the Quarry Men takes a few steps closer to the Gargoyles, his eyes filled with hatred. "You think you're so tough, huh?" he sneers. "You're just a bunch of freaks who think you can do whatever you like. But we'll show you who's in charge here."

the leader holds up an Iron Molet that has Electricity on it. the Gargoyles, and they instinctively flinch back as the electricity crackles menacingly. "What's that?" Broadway asks, his voice filled with apprehension.The leader of the Quarry Men grins, his eyes filled with evil.
The  Leader: "This is a special little toy we have for you freaks," he says, waving the molet in the air. "It's infused with electricity, and it has just the right amount of power to fry you right where you stand."

The Gargoyles stare at the leader and the molet in his hand, their eyes wide with fear. "We won't let you use that on us," Broadway blurts out. "What do you even want from us?"

The leader sneer at Broadway's words, his face twisted with disdain. "What we want is for you freaks to get out of our city, that's what we want," he says angrily. "We don't want you here.

We have as much right to be here as anyone else," Goliath responds firmly. "We will not be driven out by your hatred and ignorance."

ok, says the leader, we will force you out. the leader and the quarry men attack the gargoyles with their iron molets. The Gargoyles try to defend themselves against the onslaught of iron modlets, dodging and deflecting the attacks as best they can. But the electricity from the modlets is powerful and painful, and several of the Gargoyles are struck, causing them to cry out in pain.

The leader of the Quarry Men cackles with sickening glee as he sees the Gargoyles struggling against the molet. "This is what happens when freaks like you dare to stand in our way," he says viciously. "You'll soon learn your place, and it's not in our city."

Despite their pain and fear, the Gargoyles refuse to back down. Led by Goliath, they continue to fight back, using their own strength and powers to try and push back the Quarry Men and their hateful attacks.

The battle rages on, with the Quarry Men pushing forward and the Gargoyles fighting desperately to hold their ground. But the Quarry Men are numerous and well-armed, and the electrocution from their molets is taking its toll on the Gargoyles.

The leader of the Quarry Men grins in triumph as he sees the Gargoyles becoming more exhausted and weakened by the molet. "You're not so tough now, are you, freaks?" he sneers. "Soon, we'll have rid the city of your presence for good."

The Gargoyles, though bruised and battered, continued to fight. Broadway swings his tail, knocking two of the Quarry Men off their feet. But the leader of the Quarry Men raises his molet once more. "It's over for you freaks," he growls. "You've lost."

The Gargoyles exchange desperate looks, their strength fading rapidly. Just as it seems like the Quarry Men are about to deliver the final blow, a loud and familiar voice rings out from the shadows.

"Hey!" The voice boom, causing the quarry men to startle and turn. The voice belongs to Elisa, who has arrived on the scene and is facing the Quarry Men with a determined glare.

The leader of the Quarry Men sneers at Elisa. "What do you want, girly? You're interrupting our business."

The leader of the Quarry Men laughs mockingly. "And what are you going to do about it, girl? You're outnumbered."

Elisa doesn't back down, and reaches into her pocket slowly. "Maybe so," she says, "but I'm not alone."

The leader of the Quarry Men raises an eyebrow, curious at Elisa's words. "Oh yeah? Who else do you got?"

As answer to the leader's question, a group of people emerges from the shadows behind Elisa. They are people from different walks of life, but all of them hold similar expressions of anger and determination as Elisa.

"Who are these people?" the leader of the Quarry Men asks, his voice suddenly less confident.

Elisa flashes a smug smile, standing tall and proud. "They're people who stand against hate and discrimination," she says firmly. "They're here to support the gargoyles and to stop you and your group from spreading your hatred."

The leader of the Quarry Men scoffs. "You think these people are going to help you? They're just a bunch of weakling, just like you and your gargoyle friends."

Elisa steps forward, her gaze unwavering. "The only weaklings here are you and your pals," she says firmly. "You're afraid of anyone who's different from you, and that's why you target the gargoyles and others who are different."

The Quarry Men are taken aback by Elisa's words, and the leader looks angry and flustered. "You don't know anything, you little--"

Before the leader of the Quarry Men can finish his sentence, the people behind Elisa start to step forward, forming a protective barrier in front of her. They stare the Quarry Men down, their eyes filled with anger and determination.

The leader of the Quarry Men suddenly looks nervous, his bravado faltering as he sees the number of people standing against him. "Wait, wait," he says, holding up his hands. "You don't understand..."

"Oh, we understand perfectly," Elisa says, her voice hard. "You're a bunch of bullies who think you can terrorize anyone who doesn't fit your narrow-minded ideology. Well, you're wrong. And we're here to stand against you and your hate."

The people behind Elisa nod in agreement, standing firm in their support of the gargoyles and against the Quarry Men. The leader of the Quarry Men looks around nervously, realizing that he's outnumbered and surrounded.

"Alright, alright," the leader of the Quarry Men says, his voice suddenly meek. "We'll leave, okay? Just let us go."

Elisa narrows her eyes, not trusting the leader's sudden change in attitude. "We'll let you go, but on one condition. You and the rest of your group leave New York and never come back. And you're going to spread the word that the gargoyles are not to be targeted or harassed."

"Fine, fine," the leader mutters, his shoulders slumped in defeat. "We'll go and we'll spread the word. Just let us leave."

Elisa nods, her gaze firmly trained on the leader of the Quarry Men. "You'd better keep your word," she says sternly. "If we hear about you or your group causing trouble again, we'll be here waiting for you. And we'll be a lot less friendly."

The leader of the Quarry Men nods quickly, clearly intimidated by Elisa's fierce demeanor. With one last glare in the direction of the gargoyles, he turns and scurries away, the rest of the Quarry Men quickly following.

As the Quarry Men disappear into the shadows, Elisa and the people behind her relax a little, watching them go. The gargoyles, still reeling from the fight and the electrocution, let out a collective sigh of relief.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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Beauty and The Beast(Gargoyles: Goliath Chronicles continues) VOL. 1Where stories live. Discover now