New York New York

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Tanisha POV

After a 5 hours flight, I finally made it to New York city around 7:30 pm. As I was making my way to the bag checked, Elisa was waiting in the lobby.  soon as the bag check was completed, I made my way to the lobby to meet Elisa. I have not seen Elisa since I became famous. When I was a child, Elisa protected me from being bullied by other children. Children especially at my church would tease me about my parent being poor and making fun of my clothes, Elisa has always had my back and told the children off. I always express to Elisa about the problems I am facing at home; for example, my parents would always get into a fight about finance and my father coming home drunk. I told Elisa the reason why I do not come home is because of that situation. Elisa was about 14 or 15 at the time, I was 7 years old. After I told her about what is happening with my parents, Elisa would respond and say "Tanisha, I know your parents are not in a good situation right now, all you can do is keep your head up, stay strong and accomplish your goals the best why that you can." I would never forget theses' words. Elisa stayed with us in L.A until it was time for her to return to back to New York City. Right then and there, I was left alone to for to defend myself. But it was Elisa advise that got me to where I am today. I would not be Tanisha the superstar if Elisa wasn't with me that day.  When I arrive at the lobby, I greeted Elisa with a hug.  We hug for about 10 minutes and separated. " Little cousin, it's been so long since I have seen you." Said Elisa happily. " The same with you" I said happy as well. " How is working with the police force? Have you catch any bad guys yet" I said out of excitement.  " I tell you once we get into the car." Elisa said laughing. Me and Elisa started to head to her car. Elisa's car was parked in the garage not too far from JFK international airport. When we arrive to her car, it was a 1950 Chevrolet impala. Elisa put my bags in the back of the trunk. Then she hoped into the driver side while I sat in the passenger side. Elisa turns on her car engine, pull out of the parking lot and headed towards her apartment. As we were making our way to her apartment, me and Elisa continue to chat. "Elisa, it's been so long since we see each other. What you been up to besides police work" I said excitedly. " Well, nothing has been going on just work. I do however hang out with friends, but I really don't do much to be quite honest." Elisa said nervously. It sounds to me like Elisa does not do much going out but go to work and stay home. It looks like being a cop or detective is not an easy job. Elisa needs a break for doing some police work and have some fun. "Elisa, after we arrive to your apartment, and I am finish unpacking my bags, let's go out and have some fun tonight.  Besides, I really want to know what New York has to offer." I said playfully. I was hoping that Elisa would get work off her mind and have a bit more fun. She works so hard to protect the city of New York. Now, it's time for her to relax and have some fun. After looking at the road for a few minutes, Elisa turned to me and smiled and said. " You know what you are right, Let go out and have some fun. I know some places where we can hang out and have some drinks." Elisa said calmly but excited.   I was so excited to hear that Elisa has lighten up and decided to have some fun. It looks like I am going to like staying in New York after all.

Beauty and The Beast(Gargoyles: Goliath Chronicles continues) VOL. 1Where stories live. Discover now