Everything changes Over A Thousand Years

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Meanwhile in New York, Elisa was chasing after a suspect after he just robbed a store and shot the store manager while he was robbing. As Elisa and the suspect was cutting corners, Elisa called out to the suspect as they were running." STOP, POLICE... But the suspect kept on running with the bag of money that he robbed from the store in his hand. The suspect did not come in a car when he robbed the store, so the only way he can get away was on foot. However, Elisa was hot on his trail. The suspect was running out of breath and could not run any further.  Man: this Lady is fast; I have to find somewhere to hide quickly before she catches me. the robber said barely out of breath.  The robber had to think fast before Elisa catches him. The suspect looks around for a hiding spot. Not see any where to hide, the suspect took a chance and hid behind the dumpster. While hiding, the suspect thought to himself. " I will have to hid here until the cop lady is off my back." As Elisa was on the suspect's track, as she turns the corner, he was nowhere to be found.  Elisa signs and said to herself. " I knew I seen him turn this corner. I was right behind him." As Elisa was looking for the suspect, the suspect was behind the trash can waiting for Elisa to give up her search. However, Elisa was coming close to the trash can where the suspect was hiding. The suspect was getting nervous that Elisa was getting close to him. He soon realized that hiding behind the trash can was not working. The suspect sat behind that trach can figuring out how he is going to get away from Elisa. After giving it a thought, the suspect decided to it was best to face Elisa head on. As he waited for Elisa to approach so he could execute his plan, it was silent. The suspect was confused, Elisa was right on him and now it was quit as if nothing had happened. The suspect got up from behind the trash can to see what was going on. as he peaked around the trash can, he felt a gun behind his head. " It's over, put your hands behind your back."  Elisa said with the gun in her hand. The Suspect, looking disappointment, gives up and put his hands behind his back.  After putting the suspect's, Elisa put him in one of the officer's police cars and headed to her car so she can clock out for the night.  As Elisa was leaving, her new partner Andres ran right behind her. " Great job on catching the suspect" Andres said. "Thank you, Andres, I appreciate it. Elisa said as she was getting into her. "Look Andres, I would like to chat with you, but I need to clock out. My cousin will be in New York tomorrow and I have to be ready for her. Elisa said. "Cousin, you mean your superstar cousin or just some random relative?" Andres said. " My superstar cousin Andres" Elisa said in a low tone.  Look Andres, I have to go, See you, Tomorrow. After saying that, Elisa turns on her car and drove off to the police station. When Elisa arrived at the police station, she clocks out and headed to the clock tower to meet the gargoyle as soon as they awake once the sun is down. As Elisa was waiting, she receives a text from Tinesha, Elisa opens the text to read it. In the text Tinesha said that she just left Florida and will arrive in New York City tomorrow.  After reading the text, Elisa looked up and the sun went down. Elisa puts down her phone as the gargoyles are awaking. When the sun disappears, the stones on the gargoyles began to crack, one by one the gargoyles began to break free and are awaken. Over a thousand years ago in Scotland, the gargoyles live in peace and harmony with the human and were also their protectors of the kingdom. Until there was an invasion that cost lives, destroyed gargoyles that were still stoned during the day. Everything was lost. However, 6 gargoyles survived the destruction; But was stone for 1,000 years because a spell was cast on them. After 1,000 years, A billionaire name David Xanatos  brought the castle and brought the castle back to New York. Thats when the Gargoyles awaken and Xanatos as the new owner of the castles. Elisa met the gargoyles when she was investigating Xanatos for corruption.  Xanatos allowed the gargoyles to stay at the castle however, the gargoyles knew that Xanatos did not have good intentions and decided to leave the castle.  Thats when the gargoyles found the clock tower where the police station was located and have been there ever since. The Gargoyles also names after the cities of New York.  Broadway is the cubby light blue who is very outgoing and positive and is there when you need him.  Brooklyn is the white hair; brown gargoyles is second in command. he is courageous and take his job as a gargoyle seriously. Lexington, the green gargoyle who is very computer and tech smart. Bronx is the dog. He is a gargoyle best friend. Hudson is the oldest in the clan. He is very old school and wise for his age. He is mentor to all the gargoyles. Hudson retired as leader of the clan and is now spending time watching t.v.  He helps the clan every now and then when the missions need extra support.  Goliath is the leader of the clan. He has loyalty to his clan and Elisa. Goliath is wise, strong and the alpha male of the clan. Goliath shows mercy to his enemies only if its mean necessary. After the clan has awaken, the clan greeted Elisa as they walk up to her. Goliath look over the city of New York to see if anything happens while they were asleep. "Elisa, any news on Xanatos" Goliath said. Elisa sign for a bit, " No, he has been under the radar lately, he has not been active since he sent those gargoyle bots after you." After Elisa said that Goliath walk to the other side of the balcony. "I know Xanatos is up to something, he may not be as active, but I will keep close to his activities." Goliath said.  "Well, it gives up break." Said Broadway trying to brighten the mood. " Nothing much has been going on lately, I wonder if Xanatos has taken a vacation. Said Hudson being sarcastic.  "I doubt that he is, but for the meantime we need to portal the area just in case something dose happen." Said Goliath. "Just to give you guys a heads up, I will be running late tomorrow night because my cousin is coming to town, and she is having a concert right here in New York city." Elisa said.  "A concert? don't tell me it going to be at this area right down the street." Hudson said surprisingly. Elisa shyly nods her head yes. Hudson sigh and shook his head in disbelief. " Now day's music has turn into total garbage. No wonder there are high crime, prostitution, and drugs. It's the music that has an influence on the world today. 1,000 years ago, women cover themselves up and act like ladies. The way women dress now days leaves nothing to the imagination and they act like hoe's. " Hudson declared. Elisa face Hudson. " I 'm not going to sit here and say music is not the problem, however, people have the free will to make their own choices" Elisa said softly.  Before Hudson can even say anything, Goliath interrupted. "We can discuss what the problem with world is later. We must go and look after the city." Goliath said as him, Brooklyn, Lexington and Broadway started there round of the city. Hudson stayed be hide and watch t.v. Elisha went home so she can make it for her shift tomorrow. Goliath and the rest of the clan fly into the night in search the city for any threats that may bring harm to the people of Manhattan. And if any harm ever come to the city, the gargoyle will be ready to defend the city.

 And if any harm ever come to the city, the gargoyle will be ready to defend the city

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Beauty and The Beast(Gargoyles: Goliath Chronicles continues) VOL. 1Where stories live. Discover now