fear of Gargoyles

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As the sun started to set, Elisa was waiting on the gargoyle to awaken from their sleep. As night was falling, Elisa paste back and forth because the fear of gargoyle was sweeping across the city. There are people who do appreciate the gargoyle's protecting the City of New York, however, those who fear the gargoyle's don't want them in the city of New York. Because of this fear, a New group was From called the quarry men. The quarry men is a hate group similar to the KKK that don't like people based on their religion or a certain group of people. The quarry men are the same way, however their hate is more towards the gargoyle's before anything else. This made Elisa nervous because her friends are endangered and the quarry men are more prominent in New York City then anywhere else. As the sun has set and night has come, the gargoyle's has awaken from their stoned sleep. 

As the sunsets and the moon shine over Manhattan, the Gargoyles with a waken from their sleep. as they stretch and yawn, they see Elisa standing in front of them worry face.

Goliath, seeing Elisa's worried look, approaches her with concern. "Elisa, what's wrong?" he asks, his voice deep and concerned.

Elisa stood there having no words at first but she soon speaks up about the quarry men

Goliath's concern deepens as Elisa fills him in on the quarry men. "The quarry men..." he says, his voice low and grave. "I have heard of them. They are a group of humans who seek to do us harm. But why are you so worried?"

Elisa: Because Goliath this hate group not only is targeting the Gargoyles but they also target people who oppose them.

Goliath listens to Elisa with a solemn expression, his eyes narrowing with each word. "I see," he says, his voice gravelly. "So not only are they a threat to us, but also to those who stand against their hateful ideology."

Elisa nod: it only gets worst; their organization is spreading around the globe of people being afraid the gargoyles and other creatures.

Goliath's eyes widen in surprise and shock. "Their influence is growing? That is troubling news indeed " he says, his voice filled with concern. "We must be vigilant if they are spreading their hatred across the globe."

Elisa: my cousin who is a singer has friends as Gargoyles her influence is very powerful and she has fans all over the world the world. I can talk to her to spread awareness.

Goliath's eyebrows furrow in thought as he considers Elisa's proposition. "That could be a good idea," he says finally. "Your cousin's influence could be a powerful tool in spreading awareness about the quarry men and their hateful agenda. If her fans and friends are all over the world, their reach could be vast."

Elisa: please be careful, they our out there looking for you guys. Promise me please. Elisa begs.

Goliath's expression softens as he sees the concern in Elisa's eyes. "I promise," he says firmly, his deep voice filled with conviction. "We will be careful. We know that there are those out there who wish to do us harm, and we will take all necessary precautions to protect ourselves and each other."

Elisa is watching the TV, catching up on the daily news when a thought pops into her head. She had promised Goliath that she would talk to her cousin, Tanisha Jackson, about the Quarry Men. Elisa knew Tanisha could use her influence and her fans around the world to spread awareness about the hate group.

Elisa welcomes Tanisha home with a smile, listening intently as she rambles about her day and her impressions of New York and her fans. Elisa couldn't help but notice how much her cousin was thriving in New York City, especially with her growing fame and recognition.

As Tanisha settled in, Elisa knew she had to bring up the serious topic. "Hey, Tanisha," she begins, her voice filled with concern. "Can we talk for a moment?"

Tanisha notices the seriousness in Elisa's tone and nods, her expression turning to one of curiosity. "Yeah, of course. What's up?"

Elisa takes a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "I need to talk to you about something important. It's a
bout a hate group in New York called the Quarry Men."

Tanisha's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "The Quarry Men? I've never heard of them. What are they and what do they do?"

Elisa explains the situation to Tanisha, telling her about the group's growing influence and their hateful views towards the gargoyles and other groups they oppose. Tanisha listens intently, her initial confusion turning to surprise and then to concern.

"That's horrible," Tanisha responded, shocked by Elisa's words  "Why would people be so hateful towards the gargoyle's?"

Elisa shakes her head, her expression solemn. "It's not just about the gargoyle's, Tanisha. The quarry men are against anyone who doesn't conform to their ideology. They discriminate against people based on their race, religion, and even sexual orientation.

Tanisha eyes widen in horror. "That's terrible," she says. Her voice filled with revolution. " How can people be like that?"

Elisa nods, her expression serious." That's why I wanted to talk to you about this  Your influence and your fan base around the world can be powerful in spreading awareness about the quarry men and the hatful agagend. I know it's a big responsibility, but you can make a real difference."

Tanisha 's expression turns thoughtful as she considers Elisa's words. "You're right," she says finally. " I have a platform and a audience that can reach many people. I should use my influence for something good".

Elisa nods, her expression relief. " I'm glad you see it that way," she says, a small smile on her face"we need to help the gargoyle's and other who are being targeted by the quarry men. They can't fight this fight alone.

Beauty and The Beast(Gargoyles: Goliath Chronicles continues) VOL. 1Where stories live. Discover now