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(Picture is Kara)

Kara walked through the woods, the moss feeling soft under her bare feet as she walked beside Vestri while Siva and Kona played around further up the trail. The trail to the lake was not a long walk from the hut Floki and Kara had built together, much to Bjorn's dismay as he wished she lived in Kattegat. Kara decided, however, to live further into the woods like Floki and Helga, finding comfort and serenity away from the busy village.

Looking around as she set down her bucket, Kara stepped into the chilled water as she held her fishing spear. Silence filled the air as she watched the fish swimming, focusing with pursed lips as she aimed.

"Don't miss!" Someone shouted, making Kara jump and drop her spear, scaring away all of the fish.

"Shit." Kara groaned, closing her eyes slightly before she reached down to grab her spear. "I hate you." She muttered towards her brother as she walked past him, stalking away from the lake with him and the wolves behind her.

"You do not." He murmured, wrapping his arms around her shoulders as they walked, causing her to roll her eyes as he leaned onto her. "It's okay, I brought some fish from Kattegat." Kara looked up at her brother, narrowing her eyes.

"Why are you here, Bjorn?" They finally broke from the woods, following the path towards the hut where Kara was living when she was away from Kattegat.

"I, dear sister, am going to see the boys. Would you like to come?" He asked as he followed her inside, Kara gave a shrug as she walked through the door and into the main area of her home. "Love what you've done with the place." He said with a small grin as he took off his cloak, handing it on a hook beside the door.

It wasn't too big inside Kara's hut, but it certainly wasn't tiny either. Floki had made the plans for Kara's home himself, envisioning a nice home for her and, if it was fated for the young girl, her family. It was big enough to enure that Kara and any future family of hers would be comfortable, with a spacious area where there were many chairs, all a comfortable distance from her hearth, which she had a pot handing over as she made stew.

The area was the most frequented in the hut, seeing as Kara always seemed to be having someone stop by. She would entertain Bjorn or his half brothers when they were passing through, Floki and Helga liked to visit her when they could, and Lagertha has made a few appearances here at her daughter's home as well over the years since she moved out of Kattegat's main village. This part of the hut was cut off from where the sleeping chambers for the young woman, enabling her to have privacy if she were to have guests sleeping there for the night. Floki had made a rather handsome home for someone who was yet married, even Kara agreed that he had spoiled her a little too much with her home.

What Bjorn had been referring too, however, was all the fur that was handing up on the walls, rugs that covered the floor, and three tables almost covered with jewels and silks from the trading market. It was a lot of stuff, though Bjorn was sure that Kara probably had more stashed somewhere.

"Gifts from the boys and, of course, you." She murmured as she stirred the stew that was boiling, catching Bjorn's amused gaze as he looked over her home. "You said you had fish?" She asked as she turned to him, wiping her hands on the front of her dress as he nodded, motioning towards the door.

"Still alive, or at least they were when I left." He muttered. Kara followed him out onto the porch before grabbing a bucket he had covered with a cloth. She opened it to see a few fish in the bucket, enough water in there to keep them alive until he reached her hut. "Want help gutting them?" He asked as he leaned over Kara like a tree, making the girl roll her eyes as she shoved him away gently.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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