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Kara stood across from her mother, her hands holding onto a sword and a shield as Lagertha mirrored her pose.

"Are you ready?" Lagertha asked her daughter, lunging forward when Kara gave a nod. Kara blocked the blow with her shield, turning away as Lagertha went to hit her again. She blocked another hit before she swung at her mother with a combination that her teacher taught her, swinging at her before ramming the shield against her head. "Ragnar must have found you a good teacher." Lagertha laughed, moving back as she looked over her daughter before she moved forwards, lunging at Kara before she spun. The sword was knocked from her hand and Lagertha rammed her shield into Kara's side, knocking her down before she placed the blade of her sword to the girl's neck when someone called to her. Lagertha looked over she shoulder and saw Ragnar standing a few feet away, turning to help her daughter up before she sheathed the sword and handed them to a slave that stood nearby. "Ragnar wishes to see me." She told her child, kissing her head before she turned and hurried towards Ragnar, leaving Kara alone.

The girl was on her way to her hut when she passed the Seer's hut, tilting her head as she thought about going inside. Shaking her head, the girl turned and walked inside of the hut, the smell of burning herbs wrapping around her as she walked further inside. She looked over the bones that hung there, the sound of their clinking when the wind blew surrounding her.

"Who is it?" A raspy voice called out, making Kara turn as she walked towards the middle of the hut. She walked through the hanging beads that were before her and laid her eyes on the Seer, watching as he turned blindly towards her. "Ah, the daughter of Lagertha." He laughed, grabbing some meat that was before him before shoving it in his mouth. "I have been waiting for you, child." He muttered, his head following her as she moved, nodding when she sat before him. "You have questions, you have things you wish to be answered." He murmured, his hands grabbing a handful of herbs before he shoved it into his mouth, silence hanging around then as he waited.

"There is a feeling that has been hanging around my heart all day today. I feel as though someone is going to die." Kara whispered, watching him as he looked at her, smiling widely as he gave a nod.

"Many are going to die today, girl."

"Is the Earl going to die?" She asked, watching as he shook his head.

"Not the Earl, not your mother, not your brother, and not the rest. Soldiers and Kings will fall, and heirs will swear revenge." He spoke loudly, tilting his head as she looked a the wall. "That is not all." He sighed, his mouth resting in a thin line.

"No, it isn't. Why was I born? I was told by my mother that you said she would no longer have another child, yet here I am." Kara told the Seer, he grinned and nodded as he shoved more herbs into his mouth.

"And yet, here you are." He mimicked, causing Kara to raise an eyebrow as he learn forwards. "You were born for someone, you are alive for someone. I will not speak the name, for you already know it and someday will see what I see." A frown spread across Kara's lips as he held out a hand, smiling as she stood before she grabbed his hand, running her tongue over his palm before resting her forehead against it. She straightened and turned, leaving the hut to make her way home. 

Kara hummed as she sat in her hut, her head bowed as she carved the figure into a piece of wood when her door burst open. She stood and held out her knife, turning to see who the invader was when she saw Floki.

"You must go with the Princess and Ragnar in the Great Hall. Go!" He whispered, grabbing the girl and pushing her towards the door. She stared at him wide eyed when the sound of screams made her run, running towards the door of the Great Hall where Ragnar stood. He grabbed Kara and pulled her inside, guiding the girl towards the back to where his sons and Aslaug sat. The Princess grabbed Kara and held her to her side when Floki and Bjorn rushed inside, the taller boy frantic as he grabbed his father.

"Father, Kara is-" Floki placed a hand over Bjorn's mouth and turned him, showing Bjorn that Kara was sitting beside the Princess. Kara jumped to her feet and ran towards Bjorn, wrapping her arms around his waist when the doors opened and a voice called for their attention.

"Ragnar Lothbrok." The voice of King Horik called. Kara looked at Bjorn and he nodded, holding her hand as Floki stepped out. "Floki, you have betrayed the Gods." The King called, causing Kara to frown as she peaked around Bjorn.

"No, King Horik. I only betrayed you. I was always true to the Gods." Floki corrected as Ragnar stepped out, Aslaug following close behind her husband. "And to Ragnar." Bjorn walked out and Kara followed, her eyes locked on the King as he looked at Ragnar.

"Ragnar, if you can find it in your heart, spare my son." King Horik said, looking at his son Erlendur. Ragnar gave a small nod and the King threw his shield to the side, walking forwards as men grabbed his son. Lagertha stepped forwards and slashed the King across his back, a groan leaving his lips as he watched Bjorn place a knife into Kara's hand, nudging her forward. Kara walked towards the man and sucked in a breath, slashing her blade over his chest before Bjorn followed. Lagertha grabbed Kara as Torstein hacked his axe into Horik's back, causing the man to fall to his knees as Siggy walked out into the open, her eyes on the King as she held a dagger out to Ragnar. Lagertha placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder and they turned, walking out as Ragnar killed the king.

His Shieldmaiden *Vikings/Hvitserk Ragnarsson/Halfdan The Black*Where stories live. Discover now