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Kara had left the company of Helga for a while, walking along the water as people in Kattegat went about their business. She had been standing there for a while when she heard a familiar voice, looking over to see the girl her brother had an interest in. Kara watched Thorunn as she cleaned the clothes, her eyes looking over the slave when she looked up, meeting Kara's eyes. Kara walked forwards until she stood in front of the woman, crouching as she did her task as a servant for the Princess.

"My brother loves you." Kara stated, watching as Thorunn looked around and let out a small sigh.

"I love him." She replied.

"I know, but I want to know why." Kara murmured, grinning when the woman frowned slightly when someone called to Kara.

"Kara, come away from Thorunn." The young girl turned and saw Princess Aslaug, starting to walk to the woman before the Princess took her hand. "Walk with me?" She asked, looking down at the girl. Kara nodded and they walked through Kattegat, coming to the edge of the forest before Aslaug let go of Kara's hand. The Princess and Kara walked side by side into the woods, looking around in silence when Kara glanced at the woman.

"Have you noticed where Bjorn's affection lies?" Aslaug nodded and walked to an apple tree, plucking two red apples as she came towards the girl.

"Yes, I have." She answered, handing an apple to Kara. "I am going to free Thorunn, I am having clothes and a home bought for her." The girl sat down on a rock as they looked down over Kattegat, tilting her head as she chewed on her apple. "Did you know she is training to become a shieldmaiden?" Aslaug asked, sitting next to the girl.

"I watch her practices." Kara replied, glancing at the older woman with a small smile.

"You wish to be a shieldmaiden yourself, do you not?"

"I am been practicing, my mother has been helping me when she is here and Earl Ragnar has gotten me a teacher." Kara sighed as she leaned her head back, looking at the sky as Aslaug smiled down at her. 

"You will be a strong woman, just like Lagertha." Kara looked at Aslaug.

"You are strong as well, Princess." Aslaug let out a laugh and she grabbed Kara's shoulder, squeezing her arm before she stood.

"Not as strong as most think. Now come, your lesson with your teacher will start soon." Kara nodded and stood, following the woman back down towards Kattegat with a small smile on her face.

Kara stood on the dock as the ships returned, her hands clenched at her side when she saw her mother stepping off the boat. Lagertha looked over and smiled, her eyes landing on her daughter as she ran forwards, wrapping her arms around Kara before she lifted the girl up as soon as the girl reached her.

"Hello, sweet child. Did you miss me?" Kara nodded and hugged her mother, nuzzling her face into her neck with Lagertha turned. "Athelstan, come. I want you to meet my daughter, Kara." A man walked towards Lagertha and Kara, a small smile on his face as he looked at the young child.

"Hello, Kara. It is lovely to meet you." He said as he held out a hand, to which Kara shook.

"It is nice to meet you as well, my brother has told me stories about you and your God." Kara stated, looking over at Bjorn as he walked towards his mother and sister. Lagertha set Kara down only for Bjorn to lift his sister up onto his shoulders, grinning as she grabbed onto his ears. "I knew you would be alright. I prayed that Thor would not be against you, I prayed that Odin would watch over you." She said as Bjorn followed his mother and the Priest off the docks, walking towards the Great Hall.

"Thank you for praying for our return, dear sister. I think the Gods favor you." He laughed, patting her leg as he walked into the hall, ducking so Kara would not be knocked off his shoulders before he began to play, running after his brothers with his sister still on his shoulders.

His Shieldmaiden *Vikings/Hvitserk Ragnarsson/Halfdan The Black*Where stories live. Discover now